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irl + insta

THE MORNING SUN peeked through the window, casting a warm glow on the room as Bree awoke to a new day. She stretched her limbs, feeling the soft sheets against her skin. Creeper stirred beside her, his gentle purring filling the air. Bree gazed at him fondly, grateful for his comforting presence.

With a deep breath, Bree rose from the bed, ready to start her day. She tip-toe'd across the room, her bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. The room is quiet, saved for the distant sound of birds chirping outside and faint smell of saltwater in the air, which reminded her that she was no longer in the concrete jungle of New York City. The feeling of being near the ocean was almost palpable, and it made her heart flutter with excitement.

When she walked out the comfortable cacoon of the Dream Team's guest bathroom rhe scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, drawing her towards the kitchen where she found Clay and Nick already awake and making breakfast. Dream was flipping pancakes while Sapnap was frying bacon. They both looked up as she walked in, and their faces lit up with genuine joy at seeing her.

"Morning, Bree!" The dirty blonde beamed, his signature grin plastered on his face. "Sleep well?"

Bree nodded, still a bit groggy from the early wake-up call. "Yeah, I did. Thanks for letting me stay here again," she managed to mumble out as she slips into a seat.

The brunette man chimed in, his voice raspy from sleep. "Of course. We're glad you're here," he mentioned, and Bree had to physically stop herself from gasping. Nick pours her a cup of coffee and hands it to her, their fingers brushing against each other in the process. Bree's heart flutters at the touch, but she quickly shakes it off and focuses on the conversation.

Dream walk away from the stove, making his wat towards Bree. "We made a super special breakfast for your first day in Florida," he bragged, gesturing towards a plate filled with servings of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.

Bree's eyes widened, feeling grateful and overwhelmed by their kindness. She took a bite of the eggs, savoring the flavor, and complimented them on the food.

As they ate, they chatted about their plans for the day. Dream suggested they go for a hike in the nearby mountains, while Sapnap wanted to take Bree to his favorite beach spot. Bree couldn't decide, feeling torn between the two options.

Dream and Sapnap noticed her hesitation and exchanged a knowing glance. Dream spoke up, "Why don't we do both? We can hike in the morning, and then head to the beach in the afternoon." Sapnap nodded, and Bree felt a sense of relief wash over her.

They finished breakfast, and Bree helped clean up the dishes. As they walked out of the kitchen, Bree couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. She had found a sense of home in Dream and Sapnap, and she couldn't wait to spend more time with them.

The morning had been peaceful and full of love, and Bree knew that the rest of her time in Florida would be just as magical.


liked by quackity and othersbreecause had to censor that for my younger audiences 🙄tagged dreamwastaken

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liked by quackity and others
breecause had to censor that for my younger audiences 🙄
tagged dreamwastaken


usertwo DID SHE GO TO FL ??

sapnapinsta how was your flight?
breecause it was good, especially when I got to meet my friends
sapnapinsta oh really? 😏

dreamwastaken who's that?
breecause I wonder... 🤔

userthree no actually wtf 😦

albertsstuff we have spiders
breecause im going to trash ur house <3
albertsstuff can't wait to see you there! 😆

BREE SCROLLED THROUGH her Instagram feed, lost in a sea of endless posts and stories. She was sitting on the beach with Nick and Clay, but her eyes were glued to the screen in her hand, completely engrossed in the content. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she saw all of her friends back in New York posting pictures of their city adventures. But then she remembered where she was - on a beautiful beach in Florida, and that was enough for her. She absentmindedly sipped her iced coffee, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat on this suprisingly hot day.

Nick and Clay were playing beach volleyball a few yards away from her, their laughter and cheers filling the air. She smiled at the sound, but couldn't bring herself to fully engage in their game. Her mind kept drifting back to her phone, and the messages and notifications that awaited her there.

Suddenly, something caught her attention. She looked up from her phone to see Nick staring at her with a look of awe on his face. It took her a moment to realize that she was still wrapped in her towel, and that he had just caught a glimpse of her swimsuit underneath.

She felt heat quickly creep up her cheeks as she quickly untied the towel and let it fall to the sand. She could feel the brunette's eyes on her, taking in every curve and contour of her body. It was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

"Come on, Bree!" Clay called out, motioning for her to join them in the water. "It's nice in here!"

Bree took a deep breath and gathered her courage. She stood up, feeling the sand slip between her toes, and walked towards the water. The cool waves lapped at her ankles, sending shivers up her spine. She dove in, feeling the rush of water all around her.

As she surfaced, she felt a thrill of excitement. She looked over at Nick, who was now standing at the edge of the water, watching her with a look of pure admiration. She smiled, feeling a sudden surge of confidence. She knew that she looked good, and she was going to own it.

The water was cool and refreshing, a welcome relief from the hot sun. The boys were splashing around, tossing a beach ball back and forth. Bree joined in, feeling the joy of the moment wash over her.

As they played, Bree noticed Nick stealing glances at her. She felt a flutter in her stomach, wondering if he was admiring her. She couldn't help but feel drawn to him, despite her attempts to suppress her feelings.

They eventually tired themselves out and made their way back to their towels. The blond pulled out a cooler filled with snacks and drinks, and they all settled in for a little break.

Bree watched as Nick leaned back against his towel, his muscles flexing as he reached for a bottle of water. She couldn't take her eyes off him, even as she tried to focus on the conversation about the better Minecraft mob.

As they chatted, Bree felt herself slipping further into a dreamlike state. The sun was warm on her skin, the sound of the waves was like a lullaby. She felt content and at peace.

But as she looked over at Nick, she felt a pang of longing in her heart. She couldn't help but wish that things could be different between them. But for now, she would have to settle for this moment, surrounded by the beauty of the ocean and the warmth of her friends.

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