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bree fanpage 😊 @breescorner •  just now
why is he so stupid :(

bree fanpage 😊 @breescorner •  just nowwhy is he so stupid :(

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schlatt @jschlatt
give jambo back


   bree fanpage 😊 @breescorner
   replying to schlatt
   You think I want this mf?? TAKE HIM


user @username
next vlog is gonna be at an animal shelter 😭😭😭


user @username


user @username
bros silly ☠️☠️


user @username
He'd make a nice scarf


bree fanpage 😊 @breescorner
guys I love him i swear <3


BREE'S EYEBROWS CREASED in confusion when her phone started buzzing with an incoming FaceTime call from Dream. He usually didn't call her unless he wanted to rant or show his cat off, and even then he'd text first. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she wanted to answer or not. But eventually, she gave in and answered.

"Hey Dream," Bree said, putting on a fake smile. "What's up?"

Dream's face immediately changed when he saw her. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern written all over his face.

Bree didn't want to lie to Dream, but she also didn't want to admit the truth. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, shrugging her shoulders. Technically she was fine, he didn't need to know the other half of the truth.

But Dream wasn't convinced. "Nick was really worried about you," he said, and she could almost scoff. "He said you seemed off yesterday."

Bree's heart sank. She knew that she had been acting weird around Sapnap lately, and now he had noticed too. "I don't know," she admitted. "I guess I've just been stressed out lately."

"What's been stressing you out?" Dream asked.

Bree hesitated for a moment, but then she took a deep breath and decided to be honest. "I think I like Sapnap," she blurted out.

Dream's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?" he exclaimed before leaning his head sideways. "I mean, I kind of had a feeling, but I didn't want to assume."

Bree nodded, feeling embarrassed. "Yeah, I've been trying to ignore it, but it's been really hard," she confessed, laughing at herself. "I even wrote a bunch of pages in my journal about it."

Dream raised an eyebrow. "Can I see them?" he asked.

Bree hesitated for a moment, but then she reluctantly showed her journal to Dream, letting him read the pages through the screen.

"I think he probably likes you back," Dream added. "You should talk to him about it."

Bree shook her head, feeling frustrated. "No, he friend-zoned me," she said. "He told me he just likes me as a friend."

Dream looked confused. "He did?" he said. "When?"

Bree sighed, feeling foolish. "A few days ago," she said. "We were on FaceTime and he told me he really likes me, but only as a friend."

Dream looked at her skeptically. "Are you sure that's what he meant?" he said. "Because it kind of sounds like he was trying to tell you he likes you, but he's not ready to commit."

Bree shook her head. "No, I'm sure," she said. "He literally said, 'You're a really great friend.'"

Dream looked thoughtful for a moment, and then he smiled. "Okay, well, even if that's what he said, you never know what he's really thinking," he mentioned, tapping at his head. "Maybe he's just scared to admit his feelings. You should talk to him about it."

Bree shook her head, feeling frustrated. "No, I've already made up my mind," she sighed. "I'm just going to ignore these feelings, and focus on being his friend."

Dream looked at her sympathetically. "Okay, if that's what you think is best," he nodded. "But just know that I'm here for you if you ever change your mind."

Bree smiled weakly, feeling grateful for Dream's support. "Thanks," she said. "I appreciate it, Dream."

"And Bree?" He called, making her look up. "Just call me Clay when we're not on stream, 'Dream' makes me feel like I'm talking to a colleague and not one of my best friends."

"Oh, really Dreamwastaken?" She joked, watching him roll eyes and mutter somethinf

As they said their goodbyes and ended the call, Bree couldn't help but feel conflicted. She knew that Clay was right, and that she should talk to Sapnap about her feelings. But this was 2023 and confessing your feelings was overrated as fuck.

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