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twt + ttv + disc

bree ! @breecause • just now
guys... you need to see this!
💬 27.9k ♻️ 13k ❤️ 43.8k

breecause is LIVE!
minecraft with the 'feral boys'?? 🤢

A WOMAN IN BRAIDS sat in front of her eggshell white set-up, her heart racing with anticipation. In front of her sat only a small percentage of the world, competing with each other to send in chats. Satisfied with her viewer count, she took a deep breath in, a deep breath out. And another one, until a smile spread on her face

"Hey guys, can you hear me correctly," she questioned, pushing her mic closer to herself as she waved to the camera. Several yeses appeared in the chatroom. "Okay... Uh, hey! If you don't know already I'm Bree and this is genuinely my first time streaming so stay with me."

She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "But before we get started, I just want to say a quick thank you to all of you who have supported me on this journey. Without your endless help, I wouldn't be here today, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. Even if it isn't under the best circumstances."

Her chat exploded with support and well-wishes, and Bree couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over her. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Alright, so let me give you a little rundown of what's going to happen today," she continued, clasping her hands together a swinging them over one of her legs. "We're going to be playing Minecraft with the feral boys (?), and we're going to be trying to beat the Ender Dragon. I've never actually done that before, so this should be interesting. And who knows, maybe we'll even have some time for some flirting with Sapnap."

The chat erupted into a frenzy at the mention of Sapnap, with viewers cheering her on and shipping the two of them. Bree giggled as well, denying her statement with her hands.

"I'm just joking," Bree said, shaking her head as she started up the game. As she loaded her character into the game, the in-game chat when hysterical in order to join the discord call. Rolling her eyes she joined to be met with a commotion of conversations.

Creasing her eyebrows, she spoke, "Hello?"

Many noises and words could be heard in the call, too many words she had to lower her discord volume. Starting to get annoyed she started speaking again, "Hello?"

Finally, someone had started to hear her.

"Yeah?" Sapnap replied, stopping abruptly in his argument with Karl about who's better in Minecraft.

"Thank you! Finally, someone listens to me, Jesus Christ!" Bree mumbled, hitting her head on her palms.


BREE CRACKED HER knuckles, grinning widely as she listened to Sapnap drawl out his words in his exaggerated Texan accent. "Well howdy y'all, looks like we got ourselves a real cowgirl on our hands now!"

Bree laughed at this, playing along with the joke. "Shoot, you better believe it, partner! Ain't nothin' I can't handle."

The group was having fun playing Minecraft, making Bree feel like she fitted in like a perfect puzzle piece. Her energy complimented the other'sother vibe and never ended, even when they stopped for rest and regenerated in the game. This was when Sapnap and Bree found a stray horse and attempted to tame it.

Bree had jumped onto it perfectly and had started running circles around the campsite. Adding onto the bit, Sapnap kept up his Texan slang, occasionally slipping in a "yeehaw" or a whistling noise as his character ran after the new experience horseback rider.


BREE'S HEART WAS pounding as she entered the cave, sword in hand. She was nervous - this was her first time playing Minecraft on a public stream, and her viewers were watching her every move. But as she came face-to-face with a group of hostile mobs, she knew there was no turning back.

"Okay, guys, I got this," she said, trying to sound confident as she swung her sword at a zombie. But her aim was off, and the zombie lunged forward, knocking her back. A smile grew on her face as George muttered a sassy retort.

"Bree, you gotta dodge!" Sapnap shouted, his voice crackling through the mic.

"Thanks for the tip, Sapnap," Bree retorted, a hint of annoyance in her voice. But she took his advice to heart and started to move more fluidly, dodging the zombies' attacks and landing her hits.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Sapnap cheered, making his character jump through the air. "Get it, Bree!"

"Sapnap stop being a simp!" Quackity teased, punching Sapnaps fiery character.

Immediately Sapnap calmed down, "Dude– I'm not a simp, I– fighting mobs can be really hard. I'm just supportin' her."


THE GROUP OF Minecraft streamers had been playing for hours, working tirelessly to gather resources, build structures, and hone their skills in preparation for the ultimate challenge: defeating the Ender Dragon. Bree, the newest member of the group, had quickly proven herself to be a skilled player, impressing her teammates with her knowledge of the game mechanics and her lightning-fast reflexes.

As they finally arrived at the End portal, Dream let out a whoop of excitement, his voice crackling over the group's voice chat. "Alright, boys...... and girl, this is it! We're taking down that dragon today!" His enthusiasm was infectious, and the rest of the group cheered in response as he crouched up and down.

The group jumped into the End portal, and Bree felt a surge of adrenaline as the void rushed up to meet her screen. As they landed on the End Island, Dream began barking out orders, assigning roles to each member of the team. Bree found herself paired up with Dream himself, and she felt a rush of excitement as they set to work.

Together, Dream and Bree worked their way through the maze of obsidian towers, taking out the dragon's crystals with deadly accuracy. Bree had never felt so alive as she dodged the dragon's vibrant breath and swiped at its figurative hide with her sword.

As the battle raged on, the group's banter became increasingly frenzied. Quackity made a joke that had everyone in stitches, and George accidentally blew himself up with a misplaced block of TNT. But despite the chaos, Bree and Dream remained laser-focused on the task at hand.

Finally, after what felt like hours of fighting, the dragon was weakened enough for the group to make its final assault as it perched. Dream and Bree charged forward, enchanted swords flashing, and with a triumphant cry, they struck the final blow.

The dragon's death sounds rocked the island, and Bree let out a whoop of joy as she and Dream shared a makeshift high-five through the game. The group cheered and congratulated each other, but Bree couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction knowing that she and Dream had been the ones to deliver the final blow.

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