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in real life

BREE SAT ON the bed lost in thought. She had always been a city girl, but the pace of the city was starting to get to her. It felt like she was living in a never-ending cycle of concrete and noise. That's one of the reasons she agreed to come to visit the Dream Team house. It was a sanctuary, a place where she could escape from the chaos of New York and find some peace.

As she looked out the window, she saw the trees swaying in the wind, and the leaves rustling. She felt a sudden urge to go outside and feel the wind on her face. She got up, put on her shoes, and grabbed Creeper's leash. Just as she stepped outside, Nick appeared at the door, looking bored.

Bree hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should ask him to come along. He was still her friend after all.

"I was just going for a walk with Creeper," she replied.

The Texan's face fell. "I'm so bored, can I come with you guys?" he pleaded. 

Bree hesitated but eventually gave in. "Fine, but don't complain if Creeper gets fussy," she warned.

The three of them set out towards the beach, Creeper walking alongside them. The sand was warm under their feet and the sound of the waves was calming. Bree felt like she had left the hustle and bustle of the city behind, and she was grateful for a moment of peace. As they walked along the beach, they talked about their dreams and aspirations, sharing their deepest thoughts with each other. Bree shared her desire to start her own business, and Nick talked about his plans to travel the world. They laughed and joked, enjoying each other's company. The conversation flowed easily, and she felt like they could talk for hours.

But just as they were about to turn around, a sudden gust of wind disturbed the peace. Bree looked up to see the sky turning dark, and the sound of thunder echoed in the distance. Within seconds, the rain started pouring down in sheets, drenching the three of them. 

"We need to find some shelter," Nick shouted over the sound of the rain. Bree looked around frantically, trying to find a place to seek shelter. The brunet was right beside her, looking equally worried. 

"We can't go back to the house like this, we'll have to find some cover," Bree declared.

They started running towards the nearest shelter they could find, the rain getting heavier with every step. Creeper was meowing loudly, scared by the sudden change in weather. Bree's heart was pounding as they finally found shelter under a nearby pier. They huddled together, trying to catch their breath. The rain was beating down on the wooden planks above them, creating a rhythmic pounding sound. 

"It's so cold," Bree shivered, her teeth chattering.

The boy took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. "Here, take this," he offered.

 Bree felt a flutter in her heart at the gesture. She had always known that he was kind, but this was something else. He was putting her needs before his own, and it made her feel special. 

"Thank you," she whispered, feeling a blush spread across her cheeks. 

Nick looked at her with concern, "Are you okay?" he asked.

Bree looked up, and their eyes met. She felt herself getting lost in his gaze, forgetting about everything else. She leaned in closer, wanting to feel his lips on hers. But then, she sighed, and the weight of the world felt like it rested on her shoulder, she couldn't bear to ruin such a good thing. As they waited out the storm, they talked about their lives and their hopes for the future. Bree realized that she had never felt this comfortable with anyone before. Nick was easy to talk to, and he made her feel like she could be herself around him.

"I've always felt like I was meant for something more than just this," Bree confessed, looking out at the rain. 

"I know what you mean," Sapnap replied, his Texan accent thick. "I've always wanted to see the world, to experience new things and meet new people. I don't want to be stuck in one place for too long." 

Bree nodded, feeling a connection with him that she had never felt with anyone else before.

As the rain started to let up, they made their way back home, Creeper walking alongside them. Bree was lost in thought, wondering why she had let her guard down around Nick. She knew she couldn't risk falling for him again, not when she knew she would leave soon. But she couldn't help the feelings that were growing inside her.

"Bree, you know you can tell me anything, right?" Nick assured, breaking the silence. Bree looked up, surprised by his words. "I mean it. I know we just met, but I feel like we have a connection. And I want to be there for you, no matter what."

Bree felt her heart skip a beat at his words. She had never felt this way about anyone before, and she didn't know how to respond.

"I don't know, Nick," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to risk our friendship. I don't want to lose you."

The brunet stopped walking and turned to face her. 

"Bree, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you, and I'm not going anywhere." Bree felt a tear roll down her cheek at his words. She had never felt so safe and secure with anyone before.

As they walked, Bree felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that she had someone she could count on, someone who cared about her and wanted to see her succeed. She knew that the storm had brought them together for a reason, and she was ready to face whatever came her way.

Together, they walked back to the Dream Team house, Creeper walking alongside them. Bree felt like she was walking on a cloud, and she knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be. As they walked, she thought about how her life had changed in just a few short hours. She realized that sometimes, the rain was necessary to wash away the old and make way for the new. And she knew that with Nick by her side, she was ready for whatever the future held.

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