Part 8 (Return to Seoul)

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Auther pov.......
After coming back to the hotel everyone went to their respective rooms to freshen up. After that they fell asleep. Because they were tired all day. Before going to sleep, Jimin dialled y/n once to inform that they had reached the hotel safely. But the call got disconnected before y/n could receive it. Then jimin didn't call again thinking that y/n must be working something. After that Jimim went to the toilet to do some work. At the same time, Taehyung entered Jimin's room.

Taehyung-- Jiminah....
Jimin--I'm inside the toilet......
What happened?
Taehyung--(Was about to say
something when the Jimin
phone rang. Or it was y/n)
Jimin-- Taehyungahhh.....Whose
call is it, will you see a little?

On call......
Y/n--Why so long to pick up the
Taehyung--Hmm(In his deep
Y/n--(laughing a little) what
happened to your voice? Are
you practicing to make a deep
(and Y/N started laughing)

Taehyung--i am Mr. Kim Taehyung speaking. (in a serious tone)
Y/n--oh are.
Y/n-- Sorry sorry....I didn't expect
you to receive the call so....
Taehyung-- Why.....can I not
attend Jimin's phone calls?
Y/n--ohh no no not like that. where is Jimin by the way
Taehyung--he was fell tired so fall
Y/n--ooh well what are you doing
now? did not sleep yet?
Taehyung--you haven't even slept
Y/n--i was talking to mom and dad
a little bit so....'s late night
now go to sleep. (ordering like)
Y/n-- Are you saying or ordering
Taehyung--stop talking and go to
Y/n-- Okey.....okey........🙌

After that y/n cut the call. As soon as y/n cut the call, Jimin came out of the toilet at the same time.

Jimin--whose call was it?
Jimin--Oooh let me call her back
one more time
Taehyung--no she was very sleepy
so she said she is going to sleep.
Jimin--Oooh okey fine. By the way
what did you come here for?

After that Taehyung left Jimin's room and went to his room.

[Taehyung pov........]
It was nice talking to Y/n on the phone, but I got a little angry too. Every time she calls the Jimin, not me. She can call me too. It's a good thing I lied to Jimin that y/n was feeling sleepy so she went to sleep. If I didn't lie to the Jimin at that time, Y/n and Jimin would keep talking till midnight's. and i don't like it at all.

Taehyung--(talking to himself)
why am i thinking so much. You
are stupid, they are best friends why are you feeling jealous!
Ehhhhh (scratching his head)
i don't think much about it now i go to sleep. Have to go to y/n's house tomorrow.

[Author pov.......]
After that Taehyung also went to sleep.

Next morning.....
Everyone got up fresh and sat together to have breakfast.

RM--good morning everyone
Jungkook-- Morning hyung
Jimin--Hyung...What time do we
leave for Y/n's house
Taehyung--you are in a hurry to
Jimin--Why.... you don't want to go
do you?
Jin--stop both of you. Or have
Jungkook--Had a nice dinner last
night at Y/n's parents' house,
wasn't it?
RM--have a quick breakfast then
we have to leave

After finishing breakfast everyone boarded the car to go to y/n's parents house. Sometime they even reached. They knocked on the door.....
In a few minutes y/n's father opened the door. All the members said hello by bowing their heads to y/n's father.

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