How Are You Alive?

Start from the beginning

"Now remember,you can't tell him about your Danganronpa memories and things that happened.The game won't be fun if they know it's fake." Monokuma said giving Mikan a menacing look."B-but what if he a-asks?What am I s-supposed to s-say to him?Mikan said walking after the bear."Lie to him!Its not like he tells the truth at all and he doesn't have to know!Tell him you survived your execution and lived with the survivors.He should believe that."
With that,the bear disappeared and left Mikan standing there.

She sat on her bed with her hands on her knees.'I may not be a student here,but I can help my brother.He got rid of those cameras anyway.'Mikan thought smiling slightly.She did understand though that everyone was suspecting Kokichi.She had to find a way to clear his name and help people like him.That way,they wouldn't mark him as suspicious and he'd have friends.At that she laid down and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Kokichi sat on his bed where Mikan had left him and stared at his white board where he had all of his classmates pictures.The living and deceased.He had been trying to come up with a plan to end the game.That includes getting Shuichi on his side.If he had Shuichi,then there's a chance he would
help.Then the idea came to him.

'What if,someone died and no one knew who it was?'

He thought slowly sitting up still looking at the board.Specifically,the area labeled 'mastermind'.He walked over to his dresser and took out his picture.He turned the whiteboard around and pinned his picture on the back of it.The side labeled 'Mastermind'

3 hours later

"There,"Kokichi said after making his list of things he'd need to execute his plan.'I'll go see Miu now then.'He thought as he walked towards the Ultimate Inventors lab.On the way he bumped into Shuichi who apologized for walking into him and then asked where he was going."Oh you know,the usual.Get a Panta,mess with Kee-boy,Kill someone,anything to get rid of my boredom then I'll go see the cum dumpster!"Kokichi said with his normal smile."W-wait what!?"Shuichi asked backing up."Nishishi~ I'm just kidding!"
Kokichi said making Shuichi sigh in relief."Yeah I'll leave Kee-boy alone today."He said still smiling up at him."K-Kokichi!"He said backing up again."Nishishi~Just kidding again!Im not gonna kill anyone Shu."
Kokichi said putting his hands behind his head.

"Why do you kid like that?You know that's why no one wants to hangout with you."He said following him as he walked."Why do you believe me?"He said still walking ahead of Shuichi."Huh?What do you mean?"He said.Confusion evident in his voice.Kokichi all of a sudden turned around and had a smirk on his face.Although to Shuichi,it seemed rather sarcastic."Well I suppose I'll have to explain it to you,even though you're a detective and should be able to figure it out yourself."He said crossing his arms walking towards Shuichi.

"Whenever I try to tell the truth,or I lie about something stupid,everyone thinks that I am lying."He said stopping when he was right in front of Shuichi."And whenever I lie and say,'I'm gonna kill someone!'You all forget that I'm a liar and believe me right off the bat."Kokichi said turning around again."You know Shumai,"He said cutting him out of his thoughts."If you want to understand me like I know you do,then you need to understand why I do things!Maybe then you'll be able to find the mastermind.Because if you can't figure me out,you'll never find out who the mastermind is."With that Kokichi walked off towards Mius lab.Leaving Shuichi to try and understand what just happened.


'If you can't figure me out,then you'll never find out who the mastermind is'.
These words echoed through  my mind as I walked back to my dorm.
'It's true that Kokichi is a walking talking mystery,but how am I supposed to solve him?'

Shuichi thought to himself.'If you  can't figure me out,then you'll never find out who the mastermind is.'
Who could figure Kokichi out?Who knows him better than us?Shuichi then remembered the one person he could get answers from.Mikan?
"That could work.."Shuichi thought going in his room getting a notebook and walking to her room."I hope she listens to me.."Shuichi thought out loud when he knocked on her door.


I knocked on Mius door and Keebo opened it almost immediately."Oh hello Ouma-Kun!What did you nee-"Keebo got cut off by the cum dumpster herself yelling for him."KEEBO!GIVE ME THE WRENCH!"She screamed as she looked up from her work to see me standing in the door way with Keebo."What the fuck are you doing here abortion?"She said with her normal vulgar words."Oh nothing!I just wanted to know what kind of things you can make.Out of curiosity."I said putting my hands behind my back.

"That too!"
Miu said putting her hand on her hip with confidence radiating off of her."Well since you can make anything and everything,I need you to make me something."He said walking over and sitting on her desk."Why the hell wou-"

"Iruma-San I forgot I was going to help Himiko  with something so could you excuse me?"Keebo asked politely.He really is wasting time here."Yeah yeah yeah go I have it covered."Miu said still looking I me with a hand on her hip."Ok see you guys later then."He left and me a Miu we're alone.

"Anyway, as I was saying, why the hell would I make anything for you?"She said crossing her arms."Well I guess I overestimated you anyway,so it doesn't matter.I'll just go bother Shuichi or som-"I got cut off by Miu grabbing my arm and looking irritated."Hey!I can make anything you fuckin abortion!What is it you want?Whatever it is it will be a breeze!"She said letting go and putting a hand on her desk and the other on her hip."Well if you're so sure then I guess I'll tell you!I want you to make something that can disable electronics.Like and a bomb that can make things that run on electricity stop working."I said crossing my legs.

"That's absolutely no problem!But why again?No one's ever asked for that."She said raising an eyebrow."Just want one to pull pranks with ya know?Anyway I want at least three of them.Well?Can you do that?"I said condescendingly."Well fuck yeah!What do you think I am?Fuckin dumb or something?Get out already.Give me a week and they'll be done."She said throwing what she was working on aside and getting a whole other heap of things on the desk dumping it out and sorting it."Ooookay then!I trust you'll succeed but if you don''ll never hear the end of it you filthy cum dumpster."

I walked out of the room listening to Miu make her noises because of me calling her a cum dumpster and I smiled.It was funny to see her do that and pretty entertaining to fight with her like a sister.A different way of fighting from what me and Mikan do.I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a Panta and then went to the library.Enjoying my privacy and closing my eyes as I listened to the silence.

[word count:2060]

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