Childrens Compassion

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A group of children were playing in the woods when they stumbled upon a dead body. At first, they were scared and didn't know what to do. But then, one of them suggested that they should try to help bring the dead person to peace.

So, they decided to build a makeshift stretcher out of branches and leaves and carry the body back to their village. They knew that they had to be careful not to disturb the body or cause any harm to it.

As they walked, the children talked about what they could do to help the dead person find peace. One suggested that they could light candles around the body and say some prayers. Another thought that they could sing a song to help the dead person's soul find its way to the afterlife.

When they finally arrived at the village, they went to the village elder and told him what had happened. The elder thanked the children for their bravery and compassion and promised to take care of the body.

The children left feeling proud of themselves for helping the dead person find peace. They knew that they had done something important and meaningful, even if they didn't fully understand what it meant. And although they were a little scared, they were also a little bit wiser and more mature for having gone through this experience.

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