The kitchen incident

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It was a particularly dark night where only the sounds of cars out the streets and the tv inside the apartment, specifically the one in Rosé's room were she was laying back, curled in her bed and hugging a big pillow while one of her favorite doramas was playing on said television, she was invested but her eyes could barely stay open as she just got back to town after a couple of busy weeks of recording, practice and modeling. She had just taken a bath after eating some dinner. She just uber to her building and now, the exhaustion was catching up and it bothered her because she really wanted to finish that show and couldn't.

And well...that night was not gonna be different because as soon as the first kiss between the protagonists was about to happen; a loud noise coming from the kitchen got her attention

Rosé stood up immediately, looking to grab her phone only to realize she had left it in the kitchen.

Almost an hour earlier.

A small figure emerged from behind the kitchen counter, it was quick, agile but still, somehow cautious as to not be seen. That little creature was not a particularly huge insect or a mouse that broke in. He is wearing clothes, and a handmade bag on his back, stands like a human, is human shaped and thinks like one, but the similarities stop there, he is not a human but something similar, smaller.

His name is Robbie, a 10cm tall borrower. He is on a mission, a supply run.

Now, he would usually place whatever he can carry inside his little backpack and take it back to a safe zone but, since nobody was home he had taken some liberties for now.

Little did he knew that the owner came back while he was sleeping deep inside the walls.

He has taken his time freely exploring these past days and now was somewhat familiar with the layout of the place, the best spots to climb, where to find some food, even how to get water for drinking and bathing.

Tonight, food is the only thing he needs and notably craving for something sweet, luckily he knows where to find something that will hit the spot for sure.

Robbie made his way to the middle of the room, to where the table and chairs are, for humans these objects serve only as a place to sit and rest, but to him, gigantic as they look and feel like buildings, mountains even, capable of holding dozens of houses for people like him. A really overwhelming view yes, but nothing he wasn't already used to, so, from his backpack he pulled a pair of spiky add-ons for his shoes also push pins, relatively big, but small enough to have a firm grasp as if they were smaller and improvised versions of professional climbing gear, but for tiny people. 

So, he started his ascent, slow but steady, making sure to have stability, reach and to not rush at all. Now, small as he is, Robbie is actually really athletic, capable of walking for miles and climbing trees the size of mountains so by comparison this was an easy task, especially without the wind factor that usually slows him down when outside.

It took some time, but eventually he made it up to the wide space that is the seat of the chair, but still that was only half the way, now the real workout was about to begin; a literal 90 degree climb with no firm support.

It was time for the rope. A small spool of thread with one end attached to a hook shaped paperclip and the other to his backpack, Robbie grabbed it by the thread, spun it for a while and, at the right time, threw it to the top, targeting a big fruit bowl that laid on the center of the furniture.

That small object flew high, fast and true, forming a beautiful arc in the air up until it went past the top and disappeared for a second, until a small was heard.

━First try!━ He celebrated, happy because in the past it had taken him a couple of tries before reaching those little holes of the centerpiece.

Sadly, this time was not different, that sound was not from the clip hitting the bowl, but an empty coffee mug that Rosé left near the edge a couple of hours before going to her room, and was definitely not nearly as steady or reliable as a counterweight even for someone small and light as the borrower.

Robbie pulled the string a couple of times to make sure the little hook had actually stuck into place, one, two...three times with what he considered enough force and at first glance it appeared to have loosened a little bit, but stopped a couple of pulls after and paid it no more though.

This time it actually required more effort, more strength and obviously a slower approach as to not slip and fall to what could be a gruesome death on the floor, still, even with all that carefulness and practice, that one ceramic variant he had no way to know of.

It was midway when he started to notice something strange; every time he pulled himself up, the rope seemed to fall a little and a faint noise could be heard from above, some sort of scratches, he tried to go up, but eventually noticed something on the edge, a weird pinkish arc attached to his hook.

━What is th-

The realization hit him, that thing, whatever it was, it was not gonna hold him for much longer, luckily he is not the type to easily panic in these situations so he started to back down, slowly and trying to not put more weight on the object.

It all happened in a flash, first one slip up from his part and the mug got pulled off the edge, thereby dropping the rope and with that, Robbie fell too. Luckily he didn't fall all the way to the floor, instead it was a much shorter distance to the chair, it was painful yes, but without injury and even if it did, he had no time to lose. He looked up and immediately jumped, barely, just barely avoiding the heavy object that could have crushed him, sadly and apparently he used all of his luck on that action because instead of breaking immediately, the mug bounced on the seat in a way and angle that caused it to not only roll mid air with the wide hole facing the borrower but, also scooped and took him along with it to the floor, where it landed upside down almost completely intact. Him on the other hand had passed out.

Chae-young entered the room during that time.

She was crouching, eyes wide open with a pepper spray on one hand and very, very alert to her surroundings. She kept the lights off on purpose, to be as stealthy as possible in case it was a burglar to avoid any unnecessary and dangerous attention while she looked for her phone.

But there was nothing in sight, so she reached for her smartphone and waited for a couple of minutes. Still, no movement between the dim light and the darkness from the room, no noise either. The Korean idol let out a sigh of relief before standing to her full height, turned on the lights and examined the room.

━Where did the sound came from?━ She thought to herself while leaving the stuff from her hands on the table, still checking her surroundings and there it was, on the opposite side of the furniture.

Miss Park crouched near it and looked at the object, then at the table, puzzled as it didn't made any sense to her. ━That's weird...i could swear you weren't near the edge.━ Said in a softer and confused tone before reaching for the mug and grabbed it.

The handle broke off and upon better inspection she saw it chipped at the top plus a huge crack from there down to the bottom.

━Welp i can't use you like th-━ She stopped mid sentence before standing up again, as she caught something laying on the floor from the corner of her eyes.

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