Chapter 13: Winneying Over Love

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Floch Forster was no ordinary man. Floch had no ordinary life; destined to perish after proving his love to his soulmate after magically transforming into half-man, half-horse, then watching his one and only true love die in his arms the night of proving his undying love.

The night that Eren Yeager died in his hooves was a cruel night, but also very beautiful.

After waking up and realizing that the deceased love of his life's bodily form had slipped away from the planes of the earth, Floch looked up at the sky.

The sky was a beautiful collage of deep purples and blues and filled with shining stars with a barrage of warm oranges and yellows rising up above the horizon as the sun began to rise.

He felt a strange tingle in his back legs. Wait... back legs?? Floch lost his back legs after gaining a mermaid tail....

He turned around in shock. "What's going on?" he thought to himself. Sure enough, Floch had back legs again- and no tail! Floch used his horse neck to gander at his new body, only to find he had been granted a pair of large white wings.

He was overjoyous to receive this news. But what about the sky?

Could it be?

His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of flapping wings behind him. He turned around to see, nobody there.

"Up here!" a sweet voice could be heard from above.

Floch looked up to see a horse - no, a pegasus - flying in the sky.

The pegasus was emitting a beautiful golden glow in the shape of a halo.

"Are you an angle?" Floch marveled at the creature.

"Floch Horster, you've finally made it to the higher plane of existence. You've completed your earthly journey and achieved your life goal. Now you will live here for all eternity at peace and forever in a state of true happiness."

At this news, Floch's face lit up. He smiled for the first time since that night with Eren.

Then his smile faded.

"Eren," he thought.

"Pegasus, please wait!"

"What is it my sweet child?"

"I... I don't think I'll be truly happy here. At least, not without Eren."

"Guess you won't have to worry 'bout that then," said a familiar voice from behind him.

"Eren!!!!" Floch shouted with joy.

"What's up Floch-man," Eren replied.

Eren looked different though. Something about his hair maybe? Or...

No, Eren was now a horse with the face of a man as well.

"Eren, you're... you're like me now!"

"Yeah, I guess I am. Maybe this means we'll be able to fuck without one of us dying this time."

"Oh, gracious!" Floch said as he turned away and blushed.

Horse-Eren took a step closer and cocked (ha) his head to the side. The two lovebirds shared a passionate kiss, a kiss of true, horsley happiness.

And that's where the story of these two horse-crossed lovers ends (small plot twist reveals that Armin was the narrator the whole time).


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