Chapter 4: Exile

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It was midmorning when Floch cantered his way into the main hall of the sleeping quarters. As soon as he had found a group of people, he felt all eyes on his big, horsely body. He could feel their retinas burning into him. But why is everyone so nosy today? Floch gets looks but he never gets this many looks... "Do I have something in my teeth?" he questioned quietly to a man beside him. "HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!" the scout replied, dropping his breakfast with a frightened jump.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE YOU FREAK!" someone else shouted from across the way.


"I'm going to piss myself," Connie chimed in.




Floch felt himself begin to tear up as the jeers and gibes of snarky comments went straight through his thick, leathery skin and right to his horse heart.

"He smells like the stables"

"It looks like a giant rash..."

"I SWEAR i had a fever dream JUST LIKE THIS once."

"He for REAL looks like that Eren fanboy, what's his name? Fuck? Flod? something like that.."

Floch's head was spinning. His world was spiraling into a whirlpool of his peers and their awful insults. If he had hands, he would've placed them over his ears. He gritted his teeth and was sweating buckets.



Their evil laughs rang through his skull. He couldn't take the noise of anything anymore. Suddenly, he shouted, "WHERE IS EREN YEAGER GOD DAMN IT??" With this sudden outburst, the room fell silent.

"He was sleeping in his titan form in Hange's office last night for an experiment. Maybe you should head over there and switch places with him, you're far more intriguing."

Floch held back his tears as he turned around and ran outside. He sprinted farther and farther away from the scout headquarters, feeling so incredibly alienated and distant - much more than he'd felt before.

He ran as far as his four legs would take him before he collapsed pitifully near the stables. He couldn't even muster up the strength to go inside, which was disadvantageous for him because it had begun to rain. But Floch didn't seem to care, he let it all out. Tears, screams, stomps, winnies. He didn't stop until his throat was strained and his knees were bloody from flopping around in the mud like a helpless infant.

Suddenly, he heard loud trampling noises and shouts coming closer. He turned around to a shocking sight: the entire 104th Cadet Corps was charging straight for him and the stables. Torches and pitchforks, 3DMG and shotguns - they had it all. He arose quickly from his pathetic stance and galloped as fast as he could into the woods.

Panting and gasping for air, he ran as the scouts chased him ruthlessly for hours. The anxiety was making his head spin and he collapsed, darkness encapsulating him.


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