16.The quite asylum

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Ahru jolted up from the sleep from the fear from latest memory of being chased or shot. She frantically ran her hands over her body in search of injuries. Her panick was almost relieved when she only found a scrap at her feet.

She stared at her feet, wrapped around clumsily by white bandaid and the work looked like as if it was done by someone who had never bandaid anyone before. She realised she wasn't home in the safety of her bed. She groaned when she remembered today's event.

The room she'd woken in was three times bigger than her room back in her apartment. The room was contrast with rest of the house. The colours were pale, white pestal grey and blue which made her somehow calm.

Kim residence was covered in black and grey there were barely any joyful colours. She moved out of the white sheets off the king sized bed. Her bare feet touched the cold white marble floor. She found her phone beside the bed. She quickly snatched it looking for something she didn't know what.


" Taehyung, mom is calling you. She's in the kitchen." He heard Sehun in front of his bedroom door saying he walked over and opened the door to find Sehun who looked like he had plan of somewhere visiting.

" What!! Wrhy she's in there ??" He asked.

" Idk, I walked into kitchen to get bottle of whiskey for my trip and saw Kyungsoo hyung with mom. After they were done talking, she told me to call for you." He said before walking away upto stairs which led to the garrage down the hall.

Confused he made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Like Sehun had informed his mother was there but Kyungsoo was already gone.

" Yes mom, did you call me. And most importantly why are you in the kitchen."

She sled plate that carried chocolate pie and glass of milk across the kitchen Island to him as soon as he entered.

" I have had my dinner mom ,go rest." He told her worriedly.

" I'm okay brat and not everything is about you my big baby." She rolled her eyes chuckling before scolding him. " Give this to Ahru, I need it all finished." And with that she left probably to her bedroom.

He stood there for good 5 minutes.' who told her' he growled as he took the dinner and headed to Ahru. He opened the door quietly. Not wanting to disturb her. And found Ahru was scrolling something on her phone lazily. Messy hair falling on her face.

" Here" he said placing the plate near the table taking seat next to the bed.

She was hungry it was night time and her stomach was rumbling. Food was always been weakness of her. She ruled out the possibility of poisoned, but if he wanted to kill her he would have done it by now . Nodding to herself, without any word she started to dig in.

He looked at her every now and then. He admitted she was indeed beautiful with those mole on her cheeks. They had something in common.

" Who bandaid these?" She asked gulping the whole glass of water breaking the silence looking at him expectedly.

" Umm, Sehun..." He said looking everywhere but her and by the look on his face Ahru knew that he was lying. And Ahru found herself smiling slightly at his pouty lips and scrunched nose.

After finishing her food she sat face to face with Taehyung waiting to clarify some things. He stayed seated without any movement judging her every move now and then.

"How many days I will be living here."

" About 5-6 months."

"That long her???" eyes widened at the answer. No she can't.

" Do you think I want but for safety reason, I must compile with you." He said rolling his eyes with heavy sighed leaving his lips. " You know , we don't always get what we want, do we??" He continued.

She nodded at the last sentence "no we didn't always get what we want." She whispered.The intensity of today's event was too much which left no chance but aggriying with him

Without excuse Taehyung stood up and walked past her towards the door.

" Wait , we aren't finished yet. Where are you going?" She asked looking at him confused.

" I'm going to find you new clothes to wear you need a shower." He said as if it was obvious and left the room without further discussion.

She looked down and remembered that she was still in her pyjamas from yesterday which was now wrinkled from sleeping. She made face it was her favourite pyjama pair and seemed like it was torn apart near her knees. She huffed disappointed. It had cute strawberry print on it. She had bought it from Hawaii a year ago. She even had a fight with Baek for it. Remembering him, she realised she need to give him a call. She picked her phone to dial the number.



Taehyung came out 30 minutes later with tshirts and pyjamas. Ahru looked at the pile that he placed in her bed.

" They are mine, don't do anything to dirty them."he said which made Ahru rolled her eyes. She was preety sure her eyeball would be dislocate in one month because of him.

" Why yours..?".

" Sehun barely have any clean clothes. I can't ask Rm and Kyungsoo their clothes, mom's clothes are small for you so..." He didn't complete his sentence may be embarrassed as his eyes travelled in her room. " You room needs a furniture as you are basically going to live here." He trailed off suddenly not wanting to continue the topic.

Ahru didn't know what to do with his explanation she didn't asked him for so she stayed silent.

" Thanks for yesterday." After lot of contemplating she muttered a little louder. She was indeed thankful if not for him she would've died by now.

Taehyung left without answering yet again. And she had strong urge to kick him. Cancelling the idea she took quick shower instead and slipped into the clothes.

They were comfortable and somehow too big for her small frame. Despite being washed, his cologne was still there. It was kind of strawberry flavoured and comforting. She shook her head frantically. She needed a sleep. she was having absurd thought which was injurious to her health so that she closed her eyes ready to sleep.


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