Chapter Six

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**I feel very stupid. The last chapter was Chapter Five, not Chapter Six.**
Dick POV
I walked into the empty kitchen and walked to the fridge, ready to prepare my famous ham sandwiches. Jason went on that date with Amanda while Bruce took Tim and Damian out for the afternoon.

I smothered the mayo onto the second sandwich, starting to hum a song I didn't really even like. I picked up the two plates and made my way to Bec's room. I noticed she hadn't been out her room at all and I know she had to be starving. And if she doesn't eat it, I will shove it down her throat because I didn't make it for nothing.

I gave three knocks on her door, then cracked it open, softly calling her name. When I poked my head through the door, I saw Bec laying down in bed. I walked over to her, kicking the door closed.

"Bec?" I say as I approach her bed. Her head turned to look at me over her shoulder a little bit, showing me she was up. I went to her side of the bed and sat by her feet. "Made lunch." I say, shedding a smile while gesturing a plate out to her.

She still laid down, but her eyes were locked with mines and she stayed completely silent. I sighed, "If you don't eat it, I will force it down your throat."

She slowly sat up, obviously not amused.

I handed her the plate and she pecked at it, ripping it piece by piece.

"I don't think that's how you eat a sandwich, Rebecca." I smile after taking a bite of mines. She sighed, shoving it away. "I'm just not in the mood to eat right now."

I frowned, taking our plates and putting them on the nightstand. I could see the position she was in through the blanket- her knees were pulled into her chest and her arms wrapped around them. "You okay?"

"What does it look like, Dick?" She says sadly, looking at the sheets. I was about to ask, but then I thought about what Bruce told me and the boys yesterday.

"So...did Bruce tell you?" She asks, eyes raising to mines.

"No," I sigh, scratching the back of my neck, "He said not to ask if you didn't want to answer." She nodded, then covered her face with the blanket. I heard her cry, so I scooted closer to her. I lowered the blanket from her face then she cleared her tears. "You don't have to be afraid to cry in front of me."

"Thanks," She whispered as she wiped her cheeks while sniffling, eyes only watering again, "Dick, my dad's in prison. But that's not the only reason why I'm upset." She looked down into her lap as I listened.

"He's the reason I left home. And I'm upset Bruce is more of a dad to me than my own father is, and I couldn't pretend like I was okay with that. That's why I ran off yesterday," She was bawling now, "And I'm mad at myself for feeling sorry for him. He should be in prison but I don't want him to be. I can't make up my mind because after everything he's done to me, all those times he's hurt me, and I still want what's best for him-what's wrong with me?-"

"Nothing is wrong with you," I reply, pulling her into a hug, "He's your father. You'll always love him, so don't think you're in the wrong for doing that, Bec."

I let her cry on my shoulder for a little longer until she pulled herself together quickly.

"Don't be afraid to go to any of the Waynes if you're feeling down, Bec," I start again with a small smile, "We may seem hardcore and badass on the outside, but we're all gooey and soft on the inside, even Damian...just not as much..."

She nodded, "I rather not let them know about it yet. Not until I'm fully over it. I don't think I could take another breakdown like that." I nodded in understanding, "Well now that you got that out of your system, are feeling better enough to eat your sandwich? I know you haven't eaten all day."

She smiled, "Yeah, I'm starving."

I handed her plate back, "Yeah, I figured."

She took a huge bite from the sandwich, "You know, you Waynes do have a little sensitive side."

I nodded while shrugging my shoulders, "Yup. Even Bruce. You saw that yesterday. You have a little something-" I leaned over and wiped mayo off the side of her lip, "Yeah, you were really hungry, as always."

"What're you try'na say?" She questioned, scowling at me.

I shrugged my shoulders while laughing, "Nothinggg." She pushed my arm, but kept eating with an adorable, angry look planted on her face.
The front door opened as I walked pass, heading for the TV room to finish the movie I was watching with Dick. Jason walked through the door, scowling when he saw me.

"How was your date?" I ask innocently.

"Don't talk to me." He says, taking a handful of the popcorn in the bowl in my arms as he walked pass. "Hey!" I say, puckering my eyebrows as I followed, "Tell me what details."

"I'm not a girl- I don't talk about my dates in 'details'." He says with finger quotes. I smile, running in front of him them stopping. I moved side to side every time he tried to get pass. "Move, Bec." He says, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Aw come on. You're talking to me for heavens sake. The girl who's had worst dates in anyone's life-"

"Let's just say it was bad, annoying and irritating. She-"

"Bec! Come on! Where's the popcorn?!" Dick's voice yelled, interrupting Jason. I sighed, shaking my head then looking back up to Jason. "Saved by the bell." He smirked and I raised a brow. "For now. We will finish this later." I walked pass him and back to the TV room as he kept walking back to his room.
It was like two in the morning when I slipped into Jay's room and shook him awoke. "Hey, hey, wake up."

He groaned as I turned on a light.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I said we would finish is later, so tell me what happened!"

He gave me a dumb look and I gave one right back. "Come on!"

"Come on, Bec. Go to sleep, we have school tomorrow."

"So? Tell me right quick and I'll go right to sleep, but if you don't, I'll keep you up all night."

"Doubt it." He says, laying back down and making his bare back face me. I grabbed a pillow and started hitting him with it until he groaned and looked at me. "Why do you care so much about what happened?"

"Because I wanna see if I'm a match-maker, doctor love, infinite dates." I smile, a little over excited and happy I was annoying him. "She talked way too much and she threw up on my shoe after we went to China Town then her breath smelled like sardines."

I tried to hold in my laugh, "But--she's really--pretty."

He glared at me as I swallowed my laughter. "Okay, maybe she was...'off' a little, but so what? Girls get nervous, especially about boys. Just like boys, you guys just do stupid stuff."

He gave an amused scoff, "Yeah, sure, that's what that was, but it's not happening again because I'm never going out with her again."

I got up from his bed and started walking out the room, grinning as I thought of something.

"Maybe you should show a little bit more of your sensitive side."

"What?" He arched an eyebrow as I walked out and closed the door.


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