Chapter Eight

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The car ride was silent. The boys had agreed to stay at the manor while we went to Blackgate. I was nervous out of my mind, and the more I tried to remember the tips the boys gave me, the more I forgot them. I had a feeling this wasn't going to go very smoothly.

It's been months since I've seen my dad, and I wasn't expecting the first time seeing him again would be through glass. The question that buzzed in my head nonstop, is what did he do? I had a feeling I knew the answer to that question already; my father is a dangerous man.

We arrived at the prison and I couldn't help but have second thoughts. Why was I afraid to see my dad?

You shouldn't be afraid.

But I am! We're talking about my dad here!

So? You're prepared. Go in there, speak to him, then get the hell out.

I looked at Alfred who had a comforting smile on his face. I took in a breath as I got out of the car. As I walked up to the doors, I thought of worst case scenarios, which only made me even more nervous.

After going through a couple things, for security reasons, they called for my dad to tell him, he had a visitor.

I took a seat in the chair, becoming extremely uncomfortable as inmates on the other side of the glass stared at me, waiting for their visitors.

Suddenly, a hand scooted the chair back and an orange jumpsuit became visible from around the boards separating each visitor booth.

He sat down and my eyes met the dirty blond with dark eyes. He looked so different from when I last saw him. Then, we grab the telephones.

"Rebecca." He says...emotionless.


After all the shit he put me through, but I still had the nerve to visit him IN PRISON, and he doesn't show one bit of sympathy or happiness to see me?!

"Maybe coming here was a mistake." I whisper lowly, started get out from my seat and hang up the phone, but he interrupted.

"No. Sit."

I glared at him, anger taking over. "You could show some sympathy towards me since I'm your first and probably last visitor." I hiss and he balled up his fist that laid on the desk in front of the glass separating us. "Sympathy? Sympathy?! Why don't you show some sympathy towards me because you're not the one in prison."

"And who's fault is it for being in prison? Is it mines? Are you going to blame me for stupid shit that you did?" I snap back. This was a mistake.

"Rebecca, I am in here because of you," He says quietly and continues before I could argue back again, "After I realized you weren't coming back after you ran away, something inside of me snapped. I started doing terrible things. I didn't know where you were, if you were okay, and I was worried out of my mind."

I felt hot tears boiling at my eyes, "Why? You've never worried about me before? Why start now?"

"Because you were with me. Just because I showed you tough love, that didn't mean I didn't care about you-"

"You call being beat and abused 'tough love'?" I reply, my chest tightening. I've never talked to him like this, but maybe it was time for him to hear it. "You want to know why I left? Because I didn't feel safe. You're a drunk head who refused to get help and only got worse and I wasn't going to stick around for the consequences of your actions. That's why I left."

"I've realized I'm happy you left, Rebecca." He says and I become shocked.


"You deserve to be safe, even if that means being away from me. You're beautiful and healthy, and-"

"Wrap it up Valentine." An officer says on dad's side and he looks back at me, "Wherever you are, stay there, Rebecca. I need to know that you'll be safe there."

I nod, trying to keep my tears from falling.

"Stay safe, and I hope to see you when I'm out and better. You're my daughter, Rebecca, and I love you." He says, putting his open hand up to the glass and actually offering a smile.

I put my hand where his hand was as my mental dam was broken and my tears poured from my eyes. "I love you too, dad."

He stood from the chair and disappeared behind the door. Officers came to escort me out of the prison an back to the car.

I was crying for two reasons.

1. The first time seeing him was in prison

2. He told me he loved me

When I got in the car, I wiped my face but tears only replaced the wiped ones. Alfred looked at me with concerned eyes, but I smiled, genuinely. I guess everything went....almost as planned.

After seeing my grin, he smiled and started the car.

I told him everything as we drove back to the manor. Alfred was an excellent listener, along with the rest of the bat family. They all were good listeners (at times like these.)

I really liked Alfred, he gave great advice and told me wise stories that made me reflect on everything surrounding the issue with my dad. He lightened my mood a lot and I thanked him for it.

When we got to the manor, I was still teary, but happy for the most part.

Was I looking forward to seeing my dad again? I don't really know. I still had to consider that.

As I walked down the hallway, I wiped my sticky cheeks again, slowing my sobs down. Dick came from around the corner, approaching me with a concerned look. I really had to stop crying in order to stop getting those looks from everyone.

"You okay?" He asks and I smile and nod. "Everything is alright. Better than alright, actually." I answer. The thing I was most happy about was that he admitted he loved me, but the thing that pissed me off the most was the fact that it took him getting locked up in prison to tell me that. But I decided to look on the bright side. There were more ups than downs from our encounter, so I guess I was good with that.

Damian and Jason came around the corner before I could start to explain everything to Dick. I brushed my hair back as Damian asked "How'd it go?"

Jason hit him in the back of his head, "How does it look like it went?" He asks, gesturing his hand out to me. I smiled and pointed to my eyes, "These are tears of joy...mostly."

The boys smiled and I raised an eyebrow? "Where is Tim? I don't want to tell you three the story then have to tell it all over to him. I don't feel like crying 10 pounds off again." I smile, starting to walk pass him. "Probably in the Cave with Bruce." Dick answered and I jumped on my toes. I needed to thank Bruce!

When we made it to the Cave, Bruce was standing up, watching Tim do some fighting maneuvers in the training room.

I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much Bruce."

He hugged me back and smiled down at me. This man was towering over me tall. "I assume things went well." He says with a slight smirk and I nodded. "Mostly." I answer and we let each other go.

"I wanna know everything that happened. Did our advice help?" Tim asked, walking over to me and I shook my head with a smile. "Everything I said just kind of slipped out from the top of my mind."

"I knew that was gonna happen." Jason says with a smirk and I chuckled, "Yeah, I shouldn't have been nervous. I think what I was going to say depended on my anger."

"You must've had a lot of it if you didn't use our advice." Damian says with an arched eyebrow as he crossed his arms.

"At the beginning, yes." I reply honestly, then I start to tell them everything that happened.

They asked questions that I didn't know the answer to like 'What do you think will happen the next time you see him' or 'what if' questions. I shrugged, using something Alfred told me on the drive back.

"Only time will tell."

Wayne ManorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora