Part 5

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Continuing on, the male lover is pissed bc he was played by the devil and will never be able to reunite with his lover ever again. (this is actually where i stopped watching the video 2 days ago please ignore the first part im still groggy from taking state testing earlier today lmao kill me now.) he now has to go back to hell. This trick the devil played has left him feeling remorseful and we can see that in the post chorus, "and never again, and never again" i also think that there could be more than one meaning to this statement. The first one meaning that he is left feeling really guilty and since he'll never see his lover again he now has to live with that guilt for the rest of his days in hell, the second one meaning that he has lost all hope in seeing his lover again and by saying "never again" he means he would never make another deal with the devil and get himself into another situation like this, and the last one meaning that hes never going to walk the earth ever again or smth like that. Then he tries to ask the devil for another chance, violently begging and pleading, " well i tried! One more night, one more night!". He then starts making empty promises to devil stating, " and we'll love again, we'll laugh again, we'll cry again, and we'll dance again", he realizes that his lover would never want to see him like this and that shouldn't love him if he just killed himself like the devil said he needed to do, "and its better off this way, so much better off this way, i can't clean the blood off the sheets in my bed". And thats it, its over. The story... ends..... NOT HERE SUCKAA WE GOT THE BONUS TRACKKKK. PEWPEWPEWWWWW

BONUS TRACK: bury me in black: theo describes this song as the male demo lover going through the 5 stages of grief but like, out of order. I never told you what i did for a living has denial, bargaining, and depression, while bury me in black has anger and acceptance. I quote from theo, "he died, realized he was separated in the afterlife, went back to life, and while he was alive he was mourning his dead lover, and now he has to mourn himself again as hes properly died and also mourn their separation so like ya.". Which pretty much describes this whole story pretty well i must say. In the start of the song he is kinda hostile to his lover though, " i said we'll drwon ourselves in misery tonight, white lies, you've worn out all your dancing shoes this time". Theo says that he wants both of them to be suffering together because its not fair that he gets to suffer in hell while shes in paradise up in heaven, which again, we know is not true, shes suffering aswell. Then in the second verse it seems like the male lover wants to KILL HER HIMSELF WHICH IS PSYCHO BUT OKAY, " black skies, we'll douse ourselves in high explosive light, just give us war, war, iv'e been calling you all week for my shotgun". Like theo said the male demo lover has gotten pretty livid and gone berserk at this point, " i wanna see what your insides look like! I bet you're not fucking pretty on the inside! I wanna see what your insides look like! I wanna see em!". I mean if the only thing i had been doing for a long time was murder id probably want to murder her too, i mean its the only thing hes known. He has become a completely different person as to what his lover fell in love with, " and what im going through shot lipgloss through my veins". Realizing his lover would never want to talk to this new person hes become, he decides he should just live with his old memories of his old self. And therefore we get the last lines of the entire album, " i wanna save your heart, i wanna see what your insides may be!".

EPILOGUE: the male demo lover decides to stay in hell and not reunite with his lover after allmknowing that with the person he has become, she will never love him if he does go up to heaven. The female lover still doesnt know what has happened and will forever long for her lover for the rest of eternity. NOW ITS ACTUALLY OVER!!! YAYAAYAYAYYAYYY sorry if you were expecting this to be a happy ever after type of story fairytale thing but its not, i mean you seriously thought my chemical romance would make this a happy ending? Cmon now. Put your big boy pants on, accept that it will never happen. 

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