Part 2

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We can only assume that the male lover is really determined to see his lover again and would pretty much do anything just to be with her. We then have the lyrics "this is how we like to do it in the murder scene, can we settle up the score?". Which just tells you that he has started to kill people. Then the chorus starts, and its now from the female lovers perspective and she is just longing for her lover to be with her, " if you were here id never have a fear! so go on live your life, but i miss you more than i did yesterday". Which is still confusing everyone on whether or not shes actually dead, but you can miss your lover on any kind of world so it doesnt matter. Then we get more lyrics from her perspective, "well im a total wreck and almost everyday like the firing squad or the mess you made", this also shows how even though shes in heaven she isnt complete without her lover and she'll never be happy without him. The rest of the song is mostly just about him killing people and her missing him bla bla bla whatever idc the rest isnt important.

We then get to the next song To the end. This song is somewhat based off of the story a rose for emily but its not entirely based on it. The story a rose for emily isnt the most racially accepted story anymore so i didnt read it i just went off of what theo said lol. This song mostly foreshadows what will happen later on in the story. We then get the lyrics, "He calls the mansion not a house but a tomb", which relates back to a rose for emily because the husband in the house gets killed and has been rotting in the house for quite some time. Then we get more lyrics, "the wedding party all collapsed in the room, so send my resignation to the bride and the groom", this probably relates to the male demo lover stating that he just killed a whole wedding reception and has kinda gone murder crazy at this point. Then he gives like a snarky remark to the bride and groom cuz yaknow he kindof like killed them. In verse one we have the lyrics, "hes not around hes always looking at men", there are multiple meanings to this one of them being that it could be about a rose for emily and how her husband is gay and wouldnt give her enough attention, the second theory is that the male lover could be having a little homo crisis or he could be missing his lover even more because hes looking at all of these corpses all the time. The chorus is emily talking to her own gay husband and one line states that she gave him cyanide which shows that in a rose for emily she kills her own husband. The second verse is still about a rose for emily and says, "she keeps a picture of the body she lends, got nasty blisters from the money she spends", this shows how emily was keeping her dead husband around like i said in the beginning but she killed him bc she wanted his money since he was super wealthy. There isnt anything else about the demolition lovers in the rest of the song since its mostly about a rose for emily

but the rest just says how she lead herself to kill her husband and thats really it for this song. Except for one of the last lines, "say goodbye to the last parade", it isnt about the demolition lovers but theo says that it could be foreshadowing to the next album Welcome to the Black Parade and how Gerard was like "parade=death" or "you get paraded to your death" or whatever but i think its kinda cool :>.

You know what they do to guys like us in prison is (if you are fruity) kind of suggesting fruity behavior from the male demo lover. From the song we can tell that he gets sent to prison bc he presumably killed a bunch of people yknow. But in the opening lyrics we can see why he got sent to jail, "in the middle of a gunfight, in the center of a restaurant, they say "come with your arms raised high!"", which is pretty self-explanatory. Then the next lyrics are him having his inner self conflict about how his lover would disapprove of him killing all these people and how she wouldnt even want to see him anymore due to him being all psychotic and stuff. And he just keeps going on and on about she would never love him and how he needs to go tell her and then he has the great idea to start having gay sex in prison. The next lines say that everybody else in prison is being gay and thats not a huge suprise but it also suggest that the male lover could be getting used for pleasure from the other inmates. "They make me do puhups in drag" can be interpreted as the inmates are making him dress femininly when they fuck so that it doesnt seem "as gay"? I think it fits but thats dumb if your gay then go fuck a dude yknow. Then we can see how hes also going through a lot while hes in prison too, "but nobody cares if youre losing yourself, am i losing myself?", not only is he like going crazy about being in prison but hes also doubting whether or not this quest is even worth it anymore so ya( also bc of his sexuality crisis). Since hes having a midlife crisis about if hes gay or not he starts to doubt hes feeling for his lover and if their actually real or if hes been trying to tell himself hes not by getting with her. Then he starts thinking about dying again, "well i miss my mom, will they give me the chair? Or lethal injection or swing from a rope if you dare". Our protagonist is at the edge and being in prison is just ruining his mental state even more. At this point he is questioning his life, hes questioning his feelings for his lover, hes questioning his sexuality and the other inmates are being a huge help and contributing to his mental state even more by raping him. We then get the lyrics, "well i dont remember you, why remember you?", since hes so traumatized from his time in prison he is dissociating from the world and trying to block out the bad memories from living in jail. He then decides that he needs to see his lover and chooses to break out of prison with some other friends that were not total rapists to him. Yaayy group jail breakout 🎉 love the victorious reference theo.

We then have the next song the ghost of you, this is one of my favorite songs bc it makes me cry every time i watch the mv but the song is so good 🥲. "BUT MATT YOU JUST SKIPPED THE IM NOT OKAY SONG" WELL TOO BAD BC IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LOVERS EVEN THOUGH ITS MY FAVORITE MV IDC SHUT IT. anyway this song is mostly from the female lovers perspective which is great bc we havent seen what she's been going through at all really. Theo describes it as like they are singing together even though their apart in kinda like in a movie way idk. From the females perspective, "i never said id lie and wait forever," which shows how she is waiting for her lover to kill all these people. Then the next part RUINS THE WHOLE SHES NOT DEAD THING, "if i died we'd be together" it would seem like shes having survivors guilt or smth BUT LISTEN. iiiii think, that this is coming from the male lover bc he got resurrected anyways to be brought back to earth to get the souls and now hes saying that he wants to die again to be with her and im gonna stop ranting now. And then the next lines are from the male lover saying how he could never forget her bc he loves her too much but she could probably forget him even though we know thats not true and that shes suffering and shi. The male lover is now contemplating suicide thinking that if he does khs then hell get to see her and also thinking that hes killed enough people. Theyre kinda suffering together but she also doesnt know that hes even killing all these people she just thinks hes suffering in hell or whatevs.

The jetset life is gonna kill you might seem like its just all about drugs and a warning for drugs but it might be signaling that the male demo lover went through a drug addiction at some point in the story. But it is mostly about gerards own drug abuse so i dont think it has anything to do with the story.

Yes were skipping interludes.

Thank you for the venom shows the full mental breakdown of the male demo lover and it starts by him arguing with a nun and saying he'll never join religion bc he practically has no morals by now so yknow. He kinda blames the devil for it bc he has no one else to blame but whatev anyway he just kills the nun for no reason. Then he starts feelings unstoppable in like a psychotic way but thats cool ig ex: "youll never make me leave, i wear this on my sleeve, give me a reason to believe. So give me all your poison and give me all your pills, and give me all your hopeless hearts and make me ill. Youre running after something that youll never kill, if this is what you want then fire at will". Honestly i agree with theo on how he is so against religion and preaching it but he knows it exists? Like he was just in hell while his lover is in heaven like wtf. Hes basically developed a god-complex at this point and he is really just against christianity and religion and all that. He could also be siding with the devil on this one like saying "f u god ur keeping me from my lover n stuff" ig idk. But at the end of the pre-chorus hes kindof slipping "just give me what i need, give me a reason to believe" in the religionish way.

Hang em high is kind of in cowboy feelin mood ig. I dont really think that this song has anything to do with the demolition lovers except the pre-chorus which is referring to all the people the man has killed, "shotgun sinners, wild-eyed jokers, got you in my sights". But he hasnt just killed evil men hes also killed the nun and the people at the wedding reception and whatever else gerard hasnt said so maybe hes just redirecting his morals or smth??? Then we get more proof that the female lover is dead with the lyrics, "after all is said and done, climb out from the pine-box, well im asking you, cause shes got nothing to say", a pine-box is the type of coffin that people would use in like the wild west or cowboy times. But nobody really knows whether hes killing all these people to get into heaven or if hes killing all these people so he could bring her back to life but it really confusing so i side with theo on the fact that he wants to get into heaven. But then the NEXT CHORUS IS SO CONFUSING BECAUSE THEN SHES ALIVE AGAIN? MAKE UP YOUR GOD DAMN MIND GERARD. AND THE NEXT LYRIC IS EVEN MORE CONFUSING BECAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE SHES ALIVE AND KNOWS THAT HES KILLING ALL THESE PEOPLE LIKW WTF GERARD WHY ARE THESE CONTRADICTING EACHOTHER IM GOING INSANE.

Its not a fashion statement its a fucking death wish is a wonderful song BUT I HAVE TO GO TO BED SO ILL BE BACK 😡 IM BACK BIOTCH anywayyy... the song starts with a conversation with the male lover and himself, "do you remember back then when we met? You told me this gets harder well it did!" idk where theo got this from but i think its from the song or its from genius idk im tired af 👍 anyway apparently the two lovers were like super cool rebellious teens and they were really emo and the girl had a not so optimistic view on the world cause shes emorrrr. But the male demoo lover is saying how he gets it now and how killing all these people has really brought him down and made him all depressed n shit. The next lyrics, "im coming back from the dead, well ill take you home with me" i agree with theo on how the im coming back from the dead bit is him saying how his lover still thinks hes in hell suffering but hes not, hes killing all these people so hes just trying to reach out to her yknow. 

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