9. Authorization & Memorization

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"Where've you been?"

I jumped in utter consternation. I clutched my chest, trying feebly to quell my fright-arrested heart.

Roosevelt's fingers pressed firmly into my abdomen as he ducked his head to kiss the spot behind my ear.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that, Roosevelt? Good Lord. I almost pissed myself."

"It wouldn't be the worst thing. Especially because it would make it easier for me to get you out of these clothes," Roosevelt's hand crept up the back of my thigh as he murmured into my ear.

"I'm trying to work. Stop harassing me," I pushed his hand from its ambitious position near the waistband of my stockings.

From my peripheral, I could see his brow furrowing like it always did when he was studying my antics, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing's the matter. I don't get paid to be fondled," my tone was curt as I collected the copies I'd made.

"If we're boiling it down to technicalities, that is – in part – what I pay you for," he perched on a nearby table, watching me with that annoying, amused smirk.

I gathered the copies in my arms, balancing them on my hip, "Kiss my ass."

I swung the door open with fervor, sheer panic settling in. I was irritable and angry and – more than anything – terrified.

I hustled back to my desk, trying to hurry. I'd never been more pissed that he'd designated my workspace as the one nearest his. I wasn't even his secretary.

He was hot on my heels, his voice low, "Why's it feel like you've been avoiding me?"

"Sir, the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs committee needs your amendments on the economic policy drafts?"

"Hi, Molly. I have those right here for you," I hefted a thick binder across my desk, handing it to his actual assistant.

"Thanks, Elizabeth. Oh – I have the candidate list for those new hires you requested. I'll leave them on your desk," Molly smiled, rifling through the binder. She was diligent, warm, and young and hadn't let Capitol Hill intimidate or taint her.

"What new hires? You're bringing on new hires?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Yes. Rusin and I discussed it. You need a new legislative clerk and probably a couple of hands in research."

He crossed his arms over his chest, "That's your job."

"Right. And I can't do it all by myself."

"Sir?" Molly pointed to a page.

I handed him a pen, careful not to touch his fingers. His nose crinkled almost imperceptibly.

"You used to do several caseloads worth of work in a single week."

I ignored him, lowering in the chair. My nerves were shot, and my stomach was in knots as I focused with great effort to annotate the resolution before me.

His gaze slid from my frame as he hunched to sign the paper where Molly was pointing.

His voice was low and firm when he spoke, "Elizabeth."

Molly rifled through the papers again while I admonished myself for not slipping the binder into his office earlier. I hadn't the guts.

Literally, I'd upchucked my basic breakfast of an apple and toast. I was a frazzled, anxious shell of myself.

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