the end

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Hey its still me, her sister. I still feel bad about the future of this story, my sister had prepared the plot, all she need is to make it story like, so I will be telling you the original continuatin of the story that my sister told me.

After the last chapter my sister published, it was suppose to be about making the relationship, between there a kiss between Kaise and Mikhail will happend.

And after that the story will goes to the road of finding the actual wishing stone, so then they find it they fight and etc. During the final, Mikhail gets badly wounded and Kaise panics, Mikhail told him to go quickly make his wish before the chance fades.

Kaise made the wish to erase the curse that had locked the fate of him and Mikhail, which was the curse that makes Mikhail dies everytime he reaches the age 16 in every reincarnation.

Kaise made the wish, thinking if the curse was gone, there's no way Mikhail would die. But he was wrong, when he turned around to find Mikhail, wanting to tell him that his wish was granted, he found Mikhail lying dead.

There would be a scene where Kaise cries and had a denial stage. Then the heir of temperance and kindness appeared in front of him

Kaise was confused, why did Mikhail die, kindness explains that the curse changes the fate of Mikhail, so if Mikhail was fate to live up to 70 years, the curse will change his fate to live to only 16 years, but in this reincarnation, Mikhail was originally fated to die at 16, thats why erasing the curse wont do nothing.

And then there will be a scene of Kaise having a breakdown following by a time skip and sudeenly everyone was on Mikhail's funeral, at that time, mikhail spirits was there, standing beside Kaise because he too felt guilty for leaving him. Then he was approached by a being that claimed as death who will be escorting him back.

As Mikhail took the death's hand, he suddenly jolted awake and realized he was in a hospital. Mikhail had gotten baxk to his 28 y'o body, mikhail alexander.

Another time skip, mikhail was invited by his brother(not kayden) to go and see the new museum that had just opwned.

Inside that museum he found a large painting of Mikhail Akayrell named "my dear love" that had a signature of Kaise Dandelions, he realized that all this time he wasnt dreaming, he was reliving his past life.

He was about to leave, then he bumped to someone, that someone was the reincarnation of Kaise.

That's all i could remember from what my sister told me, I feel like i should spoil you all this, because it would be a shame if nobody knows the ending that my sister wanted to make to surprise you all.

Again, have a great day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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