19. Plot Armor Epic Fail

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It's... somehow cold...

Funny... It was hot as hell just now...


"Wake up."


"Wake Up you dumbass!"

Some kind of force had me jolted awake, as if something forced me to be conscious, I looked around, there was no fire, and it was dead cold, and I was sure just now I'm pretty much outdoor, but now I'm in some kind of room where the walls are made of stone, or...

"Is this.. a dungeon..?" I said to myself,

"Of course it is"

I immediately stood up, I don't know where the fuck that voice came from, but it got me real good.

"over here kid."

I turn around to see who it was, and it was...

"AJ?! wh- why are you here?! wait- how are you alive?!!"

"Hey now, calm down I'll explain"

"Please do!"

"Right to answer your question, No, I'm not alive, but how am I here? well physically I am dead, but mentally, I am not." explain him,

"That doesn't make any fucking sense"

"It means I'm dead but my soul still roams around in this world dumbass" AJ rephrase his explanation,

"Oh okay now that makes sense" I said,

"And what just happened is, I saw you passed out in the middle of a fire, so I possessed a random also passed out guy and drag you to safety!" he said cheerfully,

"And the person that you possessed is?" I asked

"Over there" AJ pointed at the very far corner to see the guy he possessed still passed out,

"Well that makes sense, but where am I actually?"

"I said last time but in case you forgot you're in a dungeon!"

"why the fuck would you bring me in a dungeon"

"it's the nearest safe place" he answered calmly

Come again there was a dungeon underneath the arena, but in the novel it would be revealed way later in the story.

Wait a minute, the dungeon?

"wait how do you know there's a dungeon here?" I asked in panic

"Uh well, the bomb that the terror mages planted blows  up the blockage to the dungeon entrance and basically, 1/4 of the dungeon became visible to the sky so yeah it's easy to spot, why?" said AJ confused,

This shouldn't had happened, in the original novel, the bomb isn't even enough to destroy the dungeon blockage, but now he's saying that 1/4 of the dungeon is visible?

If the dungeon had been opened, then the mages should have known, and that is a big problem because in this dungeon, stood a wishing statue which is a 100% guaranteed wish granted, not like gacha rates in my original world.

The mages obviously know about the statue all about, because the statue had been a hot topic in the mage community,

If they manage to find it then we had a huge fucking problem.

But how did it happened?

The dungeon shouldn't have been opened until the ending arc, and it was lik arc 14??? And 'I' wasn't event alive when this all occurred!

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