16. A Bit Early

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"Come one young master, we're going to be late!!" Neil called,

Late my ass, its like 6 in the morning the tournament wont start until 8.

"why are you so excited?"

"because I'll be able to meet my brother of course!"

"Why's that?"

"since I work here I didn't have the time to meet him, even if I did he would always be out of home"

Sucks to be you I guess. After that random dream I decide to when to where the tournament will be held so I could pick seats early, forgetting that I had to come with this hell spawn.

We entered the Carriage as it finally rode off, since its getting awkward I decide to randomly say something.

"Hey Neil, how old are you?"

"I'm only 18 actually"

Well that's quite young, I'm currently 15, the heroine and the love interest are also 15.

"uh, how old are you when you start working?"


"how come?"

"well, my parents divorced I went with my mother while my brother went with father, my mother was in a huge debt so I had to give up school and help her by being a butler!"

"must be a hard time.."

"yeah, but atleast its getting better now, debts are easily settled when I'm 17, so I'll just need to continue what I'm doing!"

Yeah, with that much debt how could be solved in one year? Of course Corey had offered you the work of an assassins as the pay was a good deal, isn't that how it goes?

I almost forget about it, but I guess it's only a matter of time before I die at this guy hands.

But lately, Corey and Neil hasn't showed any assassination attempts at all, did the story changed? Or was it not time yet?

"also young master Mikhail, I want to ask you a question!"

"so speak."

"Lately, I had notice that you had been becoming a little bit.... Soft."

"excuse me?"

"you're a lot more soft and gentler than you used to be!"

"Did you hit your head or something?"

Yeah right, since when I've been gentle and soft?

"No no no! Its not like that, ah! I remember, my mother used to tell me that, if an asshole start showing a hint of gentleness or softness, it means that they're currently in lov-"

"Finish that sentence I dare you." I threaten him, with one of my shoes (pretend its a knife) on his throat.

"whoa whoa sorry!!"

I sat back a gently, looking outside the carriage window to calm myself. And without noticing, a slight blush was painted on my cheeks.

"young master you're blushing."

"no I'm not"

"yes you are"

"no I'm not"

"yes you- wait did it just got redder?"

"no it didn't"

"yes it did"

"no it did not, just shut up"

"it became more redder"

"Shut up!!!"

And it goes on until  we got at the arena place.

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