2. Arcana Dice Academy

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(yes that's how the academy looked like)

Still Mikhail's POV

I woke up, can't believe it's already Monday, why can't I got reincarnated as a 20-year-old guy, it's much easier.

*knock* "Young master?"

"I know shut up!" I groan showing a displeased tone but actually, I was nervous since it's the first day of school.

And of course, I don't need to narrate my whole bathing adventure, it's just scrub there scrub those wash brush teeth, and dress up, and done I'm ready to be the asshole of the story.

...Yeah, I need a plan, I don't want any suspicion so I need to keep the asshole character, but I think it's a really good idea to not Dying.

The reason this son of a bitch of a character died is because he tried to murder his brother, which also was one of the capture targets of the story, and at the end of the story, Mikhail will join all of the other villains rebellion against the crown prince, yes there's more than one villain, and Mikhail isn't even the main villain.

Long story short the rebellion lost and they got sentenced to death, but as for Mikhail he was killed in the rebellion act and yeah that's about it.

So let's just keep the asshole character but not the whole joining the rebellion shit.

"Young master breakfast is ready" Corey called

"Yeah yeah" I went downstairs and eat breakfast, since I will immediately interfere with the story the moment I step the Academy grounds, I think it would be the best idea to ignore my siblings and keep the asshole character to a minimum and just became one with the air.

"Young master are you okay? You've been spacing out lately, is there anything that appears to be the problem?" Corey asked

"None of your business," I answered and kept eating.

A couple of minutes passed, I finished eating and Corey lead me to the carriage, I kept quiet the whole ride to the Academy, I was too busy looking outside and making plans if the worst scenario happens.

I didn't even realize but it seems a couple of minutes had passed and now we're in front of the Academy gate.

I exited the carriage and I could already feel the stares, people start to avoid me, it looks like his asshole-ness is already popular.

I looked around and see a familiar figure, and of course!


That girl, Lilac Akayrell

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That girl, Lilac Akayrell.

She's my sister from another mother, in the original story she was the heroine Amelie's best friend, she's also a very smart girl due to her being a bookworm.

I remember they became friends because Lilac saw a cat and want to pet it, but the cat ran away, and Lilac tried to chase it and fell, leaving a small wound.

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