Spin-Off: The Royals and I

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Hello Everyone! 

I'm still delayed on the Sapphire Prince because of some details that I need to loop with The Crystal Princess and its sequel. Yes, there is a sequel to The Crystal Princess. I have the notes with me.  I just need to iron some things out to facilitate smooth transitions. 

While I fix things, I will post a spin-off first about the young diligent handmaiden, Nuviette. In doing so, I will be able to share snippets of Elzilaura's life as Queen of Fliska. This is the original draft and a preview of what is to come. The main character here is Nuviette and how she became employed as their servant. This will focus on her close almost-filial relationship with the royal couple of Fliska. 

Expect that the story will be mellow and a bit slow-paced because the novel is about their daily lives in the palace.  If you're expecting some or a little adrenaline rush, wait for Part 6 or beyond. 

The story takes place in Fliska and Craiine during the first few months of Elzilaura and Zyric's marriage. 

I haven't split the notes into defined chapters yet so it will be divided into parts. 

So far I have only a few parts. 

Uploading Part 1 now. Enjoy : ) 

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