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Hello guys! Sorry, it's been a roller coaster ride since the start of the year. I hope things will get better now. I hope your year of the water rabbit is great and bountiful so far.

Everything about 2023 is like out of the frying pan and into the fire experience. I spent most of January on hospital premises since my family members got sick. Although they are recovering now, we have so much more problems ahead of us. I hope something good happens soon. 

I am about to release another story from my notes. This will probably be my Valentine's gift to all since it's already February. (Unless I find something interesting in my notes that is good enough to upload) January was way too long with all that has happened. 

 Anyway, I am back on Wattpad to resume my reading list because there are a lot of promising and amazing novels here. I hope I can fight this narcoleptic experience I have which is keeping me away from the stories here. I keep oversleeping these days. I think this is a coping mechanism for everything that has happened. It feels weird because it's the opposite of the Insomniac tendencies I had a long time ago during my hospital duties. By the way, I used to be a medical scientist by profession before my career shift four years ago. 

I am also planning to take online short courses on Sci-fi and fantasy writing. I used to watch Brandon Sanderson's lectures on Youtube and they are so informative.  How I wish I can attend his classes in person so I can participate in writing groups as well. As he explained, these writing groups will allow you to widen your network.  Perhaps, it will give you a better chance to get you closer to what you are aspiring for. With this, I thought that online writing classes may help me as well develop my writing even more and find my path as a writer.

I feel 2023 is the year where we will all make it! 

Anyway, I have halted my writings for Sapphire Prince and Turquoise King temporarily since my family's health deteriorated. I am planning to resume after I have completed my reading list and also completed the writing classes if ever it pushes through. 

Though I will give you a teaser. Just before I put down my pen, I have some legends completed for Sapphire Prince which will explain about the humanoid races and non humanoids. The legends of teh first Duke and his wife will be mentioned. Several dukes will also be noted to explain history and culture which is necessary for world building. 

For the Turquoise King, it will give us a better knowledge of Desdan and all its traditions. I want to be able to show how Desdan is like Atlantis-meets-Wakanda type of world with an infusion of Viking epics and French romance. There is going to be a love triangle, action sequences with barbaric customs, etc. So, yeah, its an ambitious project. Haha

Anyway, I wont keep you long. I'm just wishing for you a bright and better day ahead. The next posting is about a short story, The Prince of Descano, is about Zyric of Craiine. It's a romantic comedy type of story that takes places before the royal wedding.  

Wishing everyone a lovely February <3  

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