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Hazel's POV

Oh God Daisy is gonna be awful, she probably won't stop teasing me. At least I can mention Amina to get her to shut up.

As I lifted my head from Alexander's chest, I flushed a deep red. Daisy and George smirked.

Alexander jumped off my bed and turned into a tomato. Why was he so embarrassed? Does he LIKE me? No he couldn't. Why would he like me?

Alexander rushed out the door, his face turning a darker shade of red each second.  George followed him snickering.

"I'm going to go to my compartment for a bit, I need to look for something." Amina announced before walking out and shutting the door quietly behind her.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Daisy began roaring with laughter.

"You-you fell asleep together. Your father will kill you." She cakled.

"Well my father won't find out about this." I glared, my cheeks flushed.

"Explain how this came about." Daisy instructed.

"We were talking about cases so I decided to let him read my casebook on the anniversary murder-" I started before I was interrupted by Daisy.

"You never even let ME look at the casebooks."

That was true. Some of the things in there were my private thoughts so I didn't let Daisy read through them.

"Then he hugged me and we both fell asleep." I finished, skipping the details about the conversation we had.

"Was that it?" Daisy asked, disgruntled.

I nodded and she rolled her eyes.

"I wonder if he likes me?" I pondered.

"You just can't see it can you." Daisy sighed.

"See what?" I asked.

"The way he looks at you." Daisy stated.

I was confused. How did Alexander look at me? Was it like a friend? Or... something more...

Alexander's POV

"Did you enjoy your nap?" George asked smirking.

"I did actually." I mumbled, my face burning with embarrassment.

"So how'd you end up sleeping together?" George asked.

"GEORGE." I exclaimed, turning if possible redder than I already was.

"What it's a legitimate question." George stated.

"You meade it sound like we..." I responded.

"well then, how did you end up with Hazel asleep on you?" George laughed.

"We went to her room to look at her casebook from their last murder, then I hugged her and we both fell asleep." I stated, leaving out the conversation we had - George didn't need to know that.

"Did you make a move?" George asked.

"No she doesn't like me like that." I sighed.

George smacked himself in the forehead hard, "Oh my goodness Alex, do you not see it?"

"See what?" I asked, confused.

"Do you not see the way Hazel has looked at you since Cambridge?" George asked.

I looked confused so queried "how does Hazel look at me?"

George rolled his eyes the walked out.

I was confused. How did Hazel look at me? Was it like a friend? Or...something more...

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