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Blue POV
" I'm so obsessed right now" I say to Pharrell who has been my mentor through it all and actually is who I recorded ' K Bye for now' with and here we were cooking up in the studio now.

" imagine is such a beautiful song, may I ask who inspired it?" He asked about the newest addition to ' K bye for now' and I smiled. Now two and a half months since I split from Zayn who has moved on with a model and I'm happy for him.

" I have taken up an interest in Stephen Curry, and I know I know, I should be healing but, I don't know, he's so charming, he cares so much, yesterday he told me my system was overloaded after I had an anxiety attack in set and Siah asked me what's wrong before they both proceeded to ask me to come back down, I don't know" I paused as I looked up to Pharrell staring intently at me.

" so you like Stephen?" He asked and I take a moment and battle with myself. " I don't know it may be just because we have been spending so much time together, he's the leading man in all my music videos, just forget it" he shakes his head.

" you can't, listen to what we just polished to perfection" he pressed play as Imagine began to play and I let the melody fill my ears.

The harmonies alone told of how I wish this was, Stephen inspired all the songs I was adding to the album, he was inspiring so much. I smiled realizing he was making a point.

" it's okay a blue, you don't have to feel bad for having a crush on him, you're both single, he keeps inviting you to his games and offering to fly you out to them, he wants to make sure you're okay, you guys were kissing for an hour two days ago, granted it was for your music videos but Blue come on, not everything is all in your head" I smile at the reference.

" confession time" he says seeing it was right as the forefront of my mind. " so I did write two more songs based of conversations me and Stephen have had and in the middle of writing a third that I want on the finished album" I blurt out and look at my hands.

Grabbing the notebook out my bag I show him the unfinished song that I pulled inspiration from both Stephen and Siah. " get well soon" P read the title and I could see the wheels turning as he reads the lyrics I wrote.

" what if instead this is for everybody, ain't no time to deny it, you said ' this is for everybody, babe you gotta take care of your body, ain't no time to deny it, that is why we're talking about it, yeah we're talking about it, to deal with it don't try to get by it" he says and I nodded.

" I love you, you know that?" He smiled as I smiled at his statement. " I love you too P, and for that I say Thank you for being here" we lean into each other for a hug. He's been such an incredible person and mentor to me, and all around friend. Just like Abel and Jilly.

Much like Stephen. I think I must have spaced out really hard, because next thing I know is Pharrell is playing this nice smooth beat and there's full lyrics in front of me, an entire song written out. " this is for thank u next" he says going by what I titled the songs.

I nodded against until I found myself spacing again. " Blue, where are you?" He asked me sweetly when I zoned back in. " want to get finished tonight, how long do you have?" I asked and he nodded and I noticed the camera crew here getting behind the scenes footage.

" I got all night, what song we starting with first?" He asked of the three remaining that needed to be recorded.

Pharrell POV
Blue had been spacing out a lot and I noticed she was doing it a lot more when we got to the recording of Get well soon the last song on the album, she nicknamed it Stephen's song because she pulled so much inspiration by how much he dared to care for her.

They had paused the recording of the music videos when she decided to add these new songs to the album and commenced to writing them. " just know that there is so much room at the top" she says and sighs.

" sorry that was so flat" she says giggling as Ava who was recording this for the K bye for now diaries was getting this on camera. Blue wanted to give the fans something for this album because as the title suggest with all the hate and heartbreak she's going through, she's going to take a step back, and she doesn't even know if she's going on tour.

She doesn't really want to us what she tells me, she's only doing this album to just get stuff off her chest. " just know that there's so much room at the top!" She sung when I resumed the music for her to try again, we were doing Adlibs now. " when in doubt add vibrato come one Blue" she hypes herself up a bit.

" ah ah ah ah" she sung so effortlessly and it sounded beautiful. " oooohhh" she sang as the part that she pulled form a direct convo she had with Steph about one thing she could trust was his being by her side and this statement he's proven true with his actions, I found it sweet.

I believe that Todd's spirit aligned it so that she and Stephen would find each other, regardless of if they fall in love, the love they have now romantically developing or not, it's pure. I love that for Blue.

" just call me no matter the issue" her little smile as she added that in there. As we were listening to official playback the song cut me off while I was telling Blue this album was gone be amazing and so she gave me a hug for being cut off.

" I don't want to keep the albums jammed k bye for now, I feel like it feels so harsh to my fans, I want it to be more meaningful and meaningful personal" Blue was saying and I nodded listening to her. " okay so you have a new name in mind?" Tayden asked ehr and she smiled. " Thank U, Next" she says and then goes over to the computer and begans to type.

Showing us the laptop after a few moments she edited and finalized the track list for her album.

Thank U, Next
2. ghostin
3. in my head
4. everytime
5. better off
6. wonderland
7. out of the woods
8. set fire to the rain
9. fake smile
10. imagine
11. 7 rings
12. thank u, next
13. get well soon

" also if you could add thirty seconds of silence at the final notes of get well soon for me" she says reinserting the hard drive with the now completed album on it into the engineer board.

" sure, because it's the last song on the album?" I asked and she smiled. " because Mr.Curry's jersey number is 30, Blue you sly dog you're really crushing" Tayden says and her blush told me that his statement was true. I smiled as I added the thirty seconds.

That was such a cute Easter egg, wether they got together or not, nobody advocated to make sure Blue was mentally well through all of this better than Steph and I am grateful for him in that sense.

Wasn't like the rest of us wasn't there but he and Jilly definitely went the extra mile for Blue, Jilly being her bestfriend and Steph I have reason to believe has a crush on Blue, like she has one on him. I was hear for her and if she ever lets herself fall in love again. For now she's learned to say thank you, next.

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