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Blue POV
I ended up not going to the game and even repaid him the the wasted ticket. Today, three weeks later, we were on set day one recording ' Memories' and flashbacks for my music videos.

I even opened set and let Steph invite a few of his ball player friends. " where is Blue!" I hear Tayden calling as I was in hair in makeup and I smiled.

He was using his deep voice and it was funny as I couldn't hold in my giggle. " she giggles I heard it, do it again! WHERE THE HELL IS BLUE" he yells in the deep voice making me laugh as Falcon puts the finishing touches on my lip look and I stood up hugging her.

" I can hear her, I guess you don't care that Stephen and his crew is here then" he says conveniently as I was walking out of makeup and I was in the dress for our picnic flash back and I was going to change into bedroom clothes afterwards for several bed scenes.

" I bet she did come out for Steph" Tayden teased and I shake my head at him.

" Hey Steph" I give him a hug upon reaching him, he smelled so good I wanted to moan.

Pulling away slowly he points to four other people he had with him. " so she's not much of a sports girl and she was supposed to come to the game last night but I forgive you, this is the lovely Blue Alaina Rivera" Stephen poked fun by using my full name.

" this is Klay Thompson" I shake his hand and smile at him. " nice to meet you" i say and he was stuck at shaking my hand. " nice to meet you too" he manages to say as I held the eye contact.

" This is Jordan Poole" Stephen says and I looked Stephen in the eyes, those green eyes, why he gotta look at me that way? Really makes me feel nice inside, doing something good to me.

" nice to meet you" I turn my eyes back to Jordan who was ready with the eye contact, much like Steph's his was daring, I had his full attention. " nice to meet you too" he says and I smiled at him having dimples like me.

" this is Juan Toscano-Anderson" he says and I smiled his eyes bright and soft. " nice to meet you" he smiles as I do in return " nice to meet you too" he says and I nodded.

" and last but not least, this is Gary Payton the second" I shake his hand as Stephan introduced the last man that stood before me.

" nice to meet you" I smiled at him, they're all tall obviously they're basketball players. " nice to meet you too" hi smiled and I giggled. " do they all play for the" I paused not wanting to get it wrong.

" warriors, I'm sorry" I say as it clicked into my brain. " these two were sadly traded but in our hearts they still belong to golden state" Stephen says pointing to Jaun and Gary.

" any friends of Stephen are friends of mine, get comfortable, help yourself" I say and I seen the crew going to get them chairs.

Once they were seated and they got their choice drinks it was time for me and Steph to get the breakdown. We knew there were going to be kissing scenes and three intimate scenes and we did talk about it and decided to go through with it, Steph was doing his best to make sure I was as comfortable as possible and I was trying to make sure he was as comfortable as possible.

" this picnic scene, you are in love, you'll be in love the whole videos except the beginning and the end, where you realize it really was all in your head" he says showing us the vision board.

" oh I like that, that's so cool" I say as she further explained the video will open with me listening to a voicemail that Tayden himself actually did leave for me a week after my split with Zayn because I was distraught over Todd's passing.

At the end I'll be listening to the second half of Tayden's voicemail and realizing not was all in my head. I loved that idea so much. As I was getting to know Klay, Jordan, Jaun and Gary more Steph was getting changed into wardrobe.

" can you guys keep a secret?" I asked and they nodded. I was teasing them about the music videos being recorded for the album and no one but my team, Steph's team and now them knows it's being recorded.

" for you, I'd keep anything" Jordan flirted and I smiled at him. " flattery gets you nowhere" I tease him. " I'm playing, we were just so excited to meet you, Steph is so excited to do this" Jordan says and that put me at ease a bit.

" that's so rewarding to hear" I say making them all smile. " you're so adorable, oh my gosh, I'm sorry you're just so sweet" Klay says making me hide my face due to the blush.

" what are you guys doing to her, come here" Steph pouts as I playfully run into his arms. " oh my god!" I gasped pulling away. " I almost forgot" I say and I go to grab the picnic basket for our scene.

The set was very beautiful and it took a while to build, money was no matter because I wanted he song sit really tell the story about how I felt.

" so you guys can just make conversation the music will be playing for this scene act like a couple having a lovely conversation" Hannah my director was saying and I smiled as me and Stephen walked onto set as she yelled for it to be quiet on set and shortly after the music started.

Tayden's voicemail was cut out for this part as it jumped straight into the beat. Steph lays out the blanket so that I can sit on it and I smiled as he takes my hand and guides me down before taking the basket from me.

" can I ask you a question?" He leans in lowering his voice and I nodded. " how do you feel?" He pulls back and smiled.

I found it warming that he asked while we were filming, was he doing this to ease my nerves? " I feel good" I smiled nodding and he nodded back.

" I feel really good, thanks Steph" I say and he chuckles. " of course, I only ask because you seem much more in tune, usually in asking you to come back down from your own world".

I nodded. This was true, through the course of the last three weeks, whenever we did a team meeting and Steph would see me drifting off he'd ask me, where I was and to come back down. Siah woukd says what's wrong and to come back down as well.

Steph would always check up on me as well as my bestfirend Jilly and The Weeknd. Steph would remind me he's here for me, our friendship quickly grew into a strong bond.

Just last night when he text me he asked me if I was home, and to call him, just to check my headspace, he is amazing. " if you feel like you can't trust anything, there is one" he says and I smiled looking into his eyes.

" it's take you and me to make us, I'll be there" he emphasizes that he's there. " say it please" I smiled because why'd he have to be so cute. It's impossible to ignore him.

" you'll be there" he nods. " oh Steph, you're too sweet" I say and he smiled. " I just want you to get better, get well soon, to a mental state that surpassed everything, where the only thing that matter is how happy you will be, that I know you can be" he kissed my hand making me blush and smile.

I watched as he reached for the picnic basket and opened it up. He looked in it and got shocked, I looked in it too confused to see they put real food in there, I thought it was just props.

" CUT!" Hannah called out and the lights came up and the music stopped. " is everything okay, something wrong with the basket?" She asked calmly to us.

" no we just didn't expect there to be real good in here, and it smells good too" I giggle and she smiled seeing everything was okay we were just taken back.

Stephen's words floated around at the front of my mind, that he wanted me to get better, I had no idea my depression was showing that badly. I smiled as Hannah called for us to continue and the music started again. I let Steph take charge as we faked being a couple for the camera.

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