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Stephen POV
The past week has been very eventful and quick it flew right by and I've seen Blue a total of three times, two of which were meetings of how we wanted the music videos to go , and so far five of the nine songs on the album were getting music videos, and the other meetings was the budget and Blue was successful enough that she didn't need a budget, she had it if she wanted it.

The third time was right now as we were set to film the first music video which was in my head and she was so upset standing in front of me at the moment. " how long ago did you record the album?" I ask because that's why she was upset. " I finished it that morning of the day we met a week ago?" She says softly.

I paused before pulled her into my chest and held her. She got this off her chest a week ago and she's doing her best to cope the way she knew how and that's through music, more specifically it seems through her own. I cope with tough love and I know this situation is too delicate to push tough love like that. She was in a serious relationship with someone she loved with all of her and it was toxic that she admitted to, most likely due to his drug use and when she finally had enough, she told him me or the drugs, the addiction was too strong and she found out the hard way he loved drugs more than her and they broke up.

Then take that pain to the next relationship which both you and the partner of said relationship felt like a really fun distraction for the both of you shortly after ending it due to you not being completely over your ex with the drug problem, when your ex hears that you've moved on and is set to get married that probably hit a soft spot for your ex, said ex turns deeper into drugs shortly after news of your engagement broke your ex was found passed away inside his home from a drug overdose, that broke you, and your relationship which is no more, now fans not only blame you for the death due to all the coincidences surrounding it, but blame you for playing around with your ex-fiancé's heart and say that you should have even the one to pass away and not your ex of two years.

That doesn't deserve tough love, that deserve pure love. A love so pure that you believe in it again, sadly I cannot give her that at the moment and so I had to settle for giving her this hug. " we can pause it Blue, none one but us and the people on our teams know that you're doing an album, if you want to take a break and step back, no one would look at you differently" I say and she nodded.

" how do you deal with stuff when you're going through it?" She asked and I pause. I know she's not a sport girly and she was so in her own world she didn't even know who I was, not even on cocky business or anything like that but when people hear basketball I'm one of the first few names they think of. " I take it to the court" I say, which is why I understand why she ran straight to her craft to try and feel better, feel good again.

" can I see ?" She was so full of curiosity when she asked and so I nodded, I actually had a spare ticket, I always got one for Ayesha whenever she spontaneously asked to come to games, Blue isn't the only one with habits that are hard to break, she's been waiting on a text from someone we both know isn't going to, because one is deceased and she told the other not to wait for her, yet she was still waiting for that text.

I recognized the look in her eyes when she looked at her phone, so hopeful, pleading, almost as if she was trying to will and manifest the text on its own. Yet it wasn't going to happen. " I have a game tonight if you want to come, the swag if w so just know if you do you'll most likely be photographed seeing how high profile you are and in your line of work they'll make a story out of anything" she cuts my off by hugging me. " I just want to take a break, take a step back, right" she says and those Blue eyes, they held so much emotion.

It was hard to pinpoint how she was feeling. " yeah, uh here" I dig into my bag and hand her the ticket. She plays with it and smiles. " there it is" I tease her and she giggles making me chuckle a bit, the song was such a beautiful melody.

The way she was looking in my eyes again let me know one thing.

She knows.

She knew exactly what it did to me, but at the end of it all, we always say goodnight and go, maybe this is how Abel feels being platonic with Blue.

This weirdly felt a bit more, it was more what we left unsaid as she gives me one finally hug and we head our separate ways, to be united one more later tonight.

Taking a final look back I saw that she too was looking back.

" good luck in your game" she calls out and I smiled, she knows. " thank you" I say before we both continued on our way. I'll see her in a bit, her and that smile.

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