Chapter 22: The Wolf's Thievery

Start from the beginning

"What is it that is so alluring to you on my person? Your habit of staring became stronger in the last period, and I always wondered what makes your gaze linger on me so?" he asks with genuine interest, jotting down a few words on a longer parchment in his hand.

"I-well, you're very handsome to me, you have a mysterious aura, a commanding presence and..." I'm weakly trying to find my words, but his question threw off my balance a little.

"And the fact that I'm your superior fuels your arousal even more, correct?" he finishes my sentence instead with a chuckle, as I turn my face away with a blush, squeezing my eyes shut. Bullseye. He can read me like a book at this point, so I don't even try to resist.

He resumes his work, and I try to immerse myself again in the book before me, but I fail miserably as my eyes drift up again, restlessness crawling up under my skin. I see his sitting silhouette across the room, his cassock hugging his upper body deliciously, I imagine undoing every button one by one to reveal his fiery hot torso. His beautiful, long legs rest under the table, and I wish for nothing more than to crawl under the furniture and bury my face between them. My dear teacher shifts his gaze to me for a second, a foxy smirk in the corner of his lips, but returns his focus to the paper under his hand.

My body started heating up all of a sudden, and with my breathing becoming heavy, I slide the blanket off me, letting it pool near the chair's legs. A thin sheen of sweat covers my forehead as I close my eyes with a deep breath, my hand slips between my thighs, squeezing them together, trying to alleviate the sudden wave of overwhelming arousal. What is happening?

A couple minutes are enough, and I'm slightly squirming in my seat, biting my lower lip, digging my nails in the armrest, and pressing my back to the leather, completely worked up. The training pants with my thin top feels like a sauna on my skin, I want to rip them off, because I can't take this heat anymore. My half-lidded eyes travel up from his polished shoes, over his calves, all the way to his slightly open thighs. As I stop at the delicious growing bulge, I lose control of my mouth for a few seconds, and whisper out with a huff into the sultry atmosphere,

"I want your cock..."

Snape jerks his head up with slightly wide eyes, but changes his expression into a smug one, placing the quill in the ink holder, leaning back in his seat, folding his arms together over his chest.

"Now now, Miss, is this any way to talk to your professor? You know my stance on profanity, dear. I'm afraid I'll have to punish you for your untame tongue." he says in a teacherly manner, standing up, rounding the table, and leaning his bottom on the edge, arms still crossed. We're facing each other now, and my body is quite literally shaking with need, I lost control of myself in just mere minutes, and this is the moment I realize, the potion must be behind my raging lust.

"Have you finally figured it out?" he asks, reading my mind, beckoning to me with his finger, the come-hither motion sending a straight shock to my dripping pussy. I stand up, although my legs are trembling, and this new state making my head spin with want, I make my way in front of his relaxed posture. Keeping eye contact, my hands are viciously gripping the sides of my pants. What the hell was that potion? It's like all my senses were heightened a hundred times! My body is so sensitive and just plainly in heat, that I think one single touch could send me over the edge. It didn't hit me right as I swallowed it, so this means it has a delayed effect. Which also points to the fact that this sly bastard was waiting for the potion to develop its power over me, that's why he got busy with grading! Severus, you little...!

"On your knees." he drawls lowly, and it takes all my willpower not to moan from sheer bliss. I slowly drop to my knees in front of him, like a servant to her king, adoration in my eyes as I raise my head to him.

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