~•Fusions and Freetime•~

Start from the beginning

Bbb gave a smile, more like a motherly smile, he looks over to Gentar who is basically having a 'talk' with Sopan who was smiling while he had a red face, meaning that Sopan said something that made him embarrassed, he sighs as he claps his hand to gain their attention

"Since we have no work to do, why don't we all hangout together, it's a great chance to catch up with the fusions," Bbb pointed out as the TTM has stars in their eyes "What a wonderful idea, Ori!" They exclaim and Bbb smiled, they all got out of the lab after Solar finished cleaning the mess he had on his office desk with the help of Supra, which he didn't mind.

Now off to a time skip, Bbb was now in the main area with his gang, who looked at him weirdly as they saw the elementals and fusions too, then one of the started to ask "Bbb... What on earth is happening?" It was Fang who is now having a poker face, Bbb laughs sheepishly while scratching his back then finally answered "I may have released my elementals... Including my fusions," the room then went silent, none of them spoke, even the said ones too

Then, the gang burst "Bbb why would you do that!!!??" Their voice echoed the whole room as Bbb and the others have to cover their ears "... Ow... My head..." Bbb almost collapsed but Sopan caught him on time "Oi! Do you forget what will happened if you scream at him?!" Halilintar scowl at them as they gasped in surprised "Erk!- We're so sorry Bbb!" They all bowed except Ochobot because... He doesn't have a leg and body, only head and hands, how can he bow? Bbb got up from Sopan's grasp and smiled at them "It's fine guys... I know you guys well that you're worried about these kind of situations," he fixed his cap as he receive some nods

"But that doesn't mean you have to higher up your voice to let anyone know!" Gentar growls as Sori followed him "Yea! On top of that, it's no point to let them know because they won't do anything to Ori anyway," he crossed his arms as they sweat dropped, agreed to what he said "Now now guys, since we have a week left, let's spend those time together!" Bbb beamed a bright and cute smile, making people in there blind, like a blind from the blinding light [Ooooo... I'm blind from blinding light~ Akh!- okay okay moving on]

They nod and started to do their stuff, for the Y duo, as usual, they went into the library to study while Gopal and Fang are competing together, Bbb is also getting involved but not much because the elementals and fusions didn't let him do something reckless like them, this cause Bbb have to comfort them to let him do his thing, like shuriken toss and firearm competition

They also played some normal games like Charades and Ais Water [For those who know this game can explain in the comments] it was so much fun for Bbb as he get to spend time with his friends and his 'brothers', then came night time.

They basically have to add another 3 bunk beds for the fusions to sleep with, Bbb already signed on who sleeps with who. Frostfire sleeps with Glacier, Supra sleeps with Sori, and Gentar sleeps with Sopan, the usual ones, you know because y'all read one of them- [no fourth wall breaking!]
The next morning

Bbb was seen awake before the others to take a shower while Ochobot is waiting for him at his desk, do not worry folks, remember this is Laskar station, his room is separated from Gopal and Fang so his room is big and spacious. Now proceeding, one of the elementals or fusions woke up from their slumber, turns out it was Halilintar and Supra, they both exchanhed looks, and awkwardly greeted each other's a good morning, they heard the shower running, meaning their user is up because elementals don't need to shower because their elemental themselves, including the fusions as well

When they heard the door click opened, Ochobot immediately went inside, making Halilintar and Supra confused, then they heard the sound of a dryer turned on, meaning he's drying his hair with Ochobot helping, they decided to wake the others up because why not?

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