The Contractor

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Joel shows you his phone and your dad is at the gate. He thinks in silence for a moment.

"Well, we're not doing anything," you offer, but your heart is pounding. "Don't let him in."

"I've gotta let him in. What's he gonna think if I don't?"

He rubs his beard and opens his home automation app. "You're in the pool house," he decides. He turns on a dim light in the pool house.

"What does he want?" you ask.

"Hell if I know. Go through the basement."

"No way."

"Come on, Trouble."

"I'm not going through the tunnel alone."

He seems endeared by your fear. "Do it for us," he says with a wink that makes your heart jump. Then he gets up to take the drinks to the sink.

"Wait," you say.

He freezes.

"What were you gonna say? Now that I know . . . ?"

"Now that you know, I don't have to worry about you finding out later and being mad."

You kind of doubt that's what he was going to say. "I'm mad anyway," you say.

"Figured. It's okay."

A car door opens and closes.

"Go," he whispers. "I'll come get you when he's gone."

You make it to the pantry stairs just in time.


When your dad comes in, Joel says, "Welcome back."

Your dad asks, "Where's my girl?"

"Sleepin' it off in the pool house, I reckon. Didn't want her to drive."

There's a long pause and your heart races.

Your dad says, "Good, good. . .thanks."

Damn, Joel is smooth. He asks your dad, "Somethin' you didn't wanna call about?"

"Yeah. . ."

You're tempted to stay and hear more, but you're also afraid of what you might hear. You creep down the stairs quietly. You think about going to the theater instead and waiting in one of those recliners. It's silly, but you really don't want to go underground to the pool house. The tunnel is climate controlled and has automatic lights, but it's still spooky without windows.


You're standing near the tunnel entrance trying to work up your nerve when you hear raised voices, and now you can't resist. You quietly make your way back toward the stairs to listen. If no one is going to tell you what's going on, this is your chance to find out. It occurs to you there's no reason for you to go all the way to the pool house except that Joel doesn't want you to hear this. Otherwise, you could have hidden anywhere and your dad would be none the wiser.

A cabinet slams shut and Joel demands, "How many aren't you tellin' me about?"

"Not tellin' you? I just found out! I'm not in charge, you know that." Glasses clink with ice.

"North of the fuckin' border again. God damnit," Joel says. He's even more heated than he was in the car the other day.

Your dad asks, "What do I have to do to get you all in on this? Let's get it done and be done with it."

"You know what I want. I want out."

"You'll be out."

"I want it in writing."

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