Episode 59: Triple Trouble Tango

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Music Insert:

Sonic: One for All... 100%...

The lightning begins to spark more and more, as the three heroes start flashing before their auras burst. Sonic transforms into Super Sonic, Deku transforms into Chaos Deku and Kirishima becomes Red Riot Unbreakable.

 Sonic transforms into Super Sonic, Deku transforms into Chaos Deku and Kirishima becomes Red Riot Unbreakable

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Jiro: Woah!

Tokoyami: Incredible!

Mina: They've all got super forms!

Kaminari: Get 'em guys!

Ochako: You can beat him, Deku!

Sonic and the others look down at their friend with a thumbs up before speeding into the storm to face Metal Overlord.



Rouge: Give him hell, Red!

Shadow: Sonic... you're our only hope now.

In the storm, the trio confronts Metal Overlord who spots them and lets out a deafening roar.

Music Insert:

Super Sonic: Here we come! You all ready?

Chaos Deku: Of course!

Red Riot: We've got your back, Bro!

Super Sonic: Let's blast through with Sonic Speed!

The three of them take off at high speed, zipping around Metal and chipping away at them. Metal retaliates, firing metal missiles from his fingers and beams from his chest. The super trio weaves and dodges through it all, dodging the beams and knocking the missiles away, before charging in to attack Metal.

Metal Overlord: I was created for the sole purpose of destroying you! But I couldn't defeat you. That is why I transformed my own body with my own hands! Now, you're nothing but a speck of dust to me!

Metal then begins firing a beam of ice from his core, freezing any ships and debris floating nearby.

Red Riot: Don't let that beam touch you!

Super Sonic: We can blast through those glaciers with our speed! Let's go!

They take off blasting through the ice attacks, Red Riot and Chaos Deku chipping away at Metal, while Super Sonic goes straight for the core. He boosts forward at incredible speeds before performing a super lightspeed smash.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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