Episode 59: Triple Trouble Tango

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"I'm Sonic, a student of Class 1-A and the fastest thing alive. Last time, we tried to fight off Metallix once and for all, but even my whole class couldn't leave a scratch on him. Shadow tried to take him down on his own using his Superform, but Metallix got the jump on him and now he's transformed into some kinda flying monster. I'm not sure how we're making it outta this one. He might too much for even Super Sonic to beat!"

The episode begins right as Metallix's transformation into Metal Overlord is complete. Metal Overlord unleashes a roar, as the heroes and Dr. Eggman look in horror at the monster before them.

Dr. Eggman: Metal Sonic has finally transformed!

Metal Overlord looks down at the tiny heroes when he's suddenly shot at with a bolt of green energy. Everyone looks over to see that GUN has finally arrived. Several troops are helping civilians evacuate the city, while numerous battleships soar in the air, aiming to take down Metal Overlord.


Metal Overlord lets out another roar and fires a torrent of flames from his mouth, destroying one of the ships. They keep firing as Metal Overlord relentlessly attacks the airships. One by one all of them begin to fall.

Rouge: Nothing can stop him now...

Bakugou: What the fuck are we supposed to do?!

Dr. Eggman: It's useless! Metal Sonic has combined all your data with the power of Chaos and is super strong! We can't defeat it!

Deku: Are you trying to tell me Metal's got all of our quirks AND a limitless supply of Chaos energy?!

Sonic: Chaos energy...

Sonic then thinks back to their adventure on the ARK when he and Deku used their quirks to blow up the Chaos Drives and when he and Deku used their super forms against Overhaul. This gives him an idea.

Sonic: That's it! There's only one way we're gonna beat him.

Dr. Eggman: If you're referring to your golden form, our chances of victory are still slim. It'd take a miracle.

Sonic: Just leave that to me, doc!

Kaminari: You're gonna take Neo Metal head-on?!

Mina: Sonic, no! You can't go up against that thing by yourself!

Sonic: It's our only option! Super Sonic should be able to neutralize him.

Shadow: Even Super Sonic alone may not be enough to stop him now. And Metal's drained the rest of my energy.

Sonic: We don't have a choice, this is our last chance!

Deku: I'm going with you too!

Sonic: Deku?

Kirishima: You can count me in too, bro.

Sonic: Kirishima?

Deku: Shadow's right. You can't beat him all on your own. If the three of us team up, we've got more of a fighting chance.

Kirishima: You've seen what both of us can do, Sonic! We're in this together, 'til the end of the line.

Sonic looks at his friends and smiles.

Sonic: Alright then. Let's get ready to do this! We'll show that creep the real superpower of teamwork!

Sonic looks over at his classmates, who give him a reassuring nod, and Sonic returns the gesture, before turning to his friends. Deku and Kirishima nod as the three of them put their hands together. They close their eyes, as rainbow lightning begins to spark and flash around the three of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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