Episode 55: Living Weapons

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"I'm Sonic, the world's fastest hedgehog and a top student at UA High School. Right now, my friends and I are on a solo assignment, running our own hero agency on Nabu Island. Things have been going pretty smooth so far, but knowing our luck, there's bound to be some new adventure around the corner!"

The episode begins at dawn the next day. GUN Agent Rouge can be seen flying toward Nabu Island at high speeds.

Topaz: *on coms* Rouge, status report.

Rouge: *on coms* Coming up on the island. Don't worry Hun, this'll be an in-and-out mission.

Topaz: *on coms* Just be careful. We haven't had any Eggman activity in months until this random base showed up on our scanners. Our sources say the base is still operational, which means Robotnik's probably up to something. It's possible he's been secretly working on some new weapon. Whatever it is, find it and destroy it.

Rouge: *on coms* Don't sweat your pretty little head over it, Topaz. Old Eggy won't even know I was there. Over and out.

Rouge dives toward the island and follows the radar toward Eggman's base. She flies

deep within the wilderness of the island until she reaches the base, landing in a nearby tree. Several Egg Gunners surround the perimeter.

Rouge: Pretty tight security for a base all the way in the middle of nowhere. What're you hiding, Doctor?

She looks around for a way in until she sees a vent and gets an idea. She makes sure the Badniks don't see her before diving toward the vent and crawling into it. From there she stealthily makes her way through the air ducts, avoiding the security Badniks.

Rouge: Tch. Child's play.

The scene then shifts to the other side of the doors; Rouge kicks a vent and drops down into a room with a vaulted door. She looks around to make sure there aren't any security Badniks protecting it, while quickly putting in a thumb drive that grants her access to the vault.

Rouge: *whispering* No guards? C'mon Doctor, you're not even trying!

Rouge walks into the vault and finds it mostly empty, with only a large capsule hooked up to some machinery, and filled with green liquid, with a console at the bottom.

Rouge: That's it? Some weapon. What were you hiding, Eggman?

She starts scanning the area, looking for some kind of hidden switch. She then heads to the central console and starts messing around with it and presses a button that causes the liquid to drain, shocked at what she finds inside.

Rouge: W-What?! There's no way. It can't be!

Inside the pod lies the fallen Shadow the Hedgehog.

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