Episode 58: Metal Scratchin'

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Deku: That's... Ochako's-!

Metallix: I have all your bio-data as well. There is nothing any one of you can do to stop my plans.

Just then, Metallix is shot at, with the bullets deflecting off his metal hide. He looks up to see Omega raining hellfire, as well as Yaoyorozu who has created a set of cannons and is firing at will. Kaminari is also with them, firing bolts of lightning at the automaton. Metallix drops the boys and slowly walks through all of their attacks unphased to intimate them. Omega then switches tactics, firing his rockets at the android once more.

Metallix dodges the first two before catching the third missile and throwing it behind him. Omega gets ready to fight hand-to-hand, but Metallix vanishes and appears right behind the robot, getting the jump on him, and sending him flying. Yaoyorozu then forms a sword, as both she and Kaminari try to stop the robot. The other girls join the assault as Mina skates over and tries to attack Metallix with her Acid Relay, while Jiro tries to stun him with a sonic wave. Iida also runs in, pushing his engines to their limit, trying to land a powerful kick on the robot. Metallix stands unphased through it all, using Kirshima's technique to harden and endure their offensive, followed by a shield burst to blast them all away.

While they're fighting, Uraraka looks on trying to focus her power on a new technique she's been working on.

Uraraka: C'mon, c'mon! You can do this!

She activates her quirk and puts both hands on the ground. The ground suddenly begins to rumble. Metallix looks in her direction but before he can attack, the ground erupts open, as several rock pillars rise up from the ground. Uraraka has just performed her Tectonic Tower attack.

Uraraka: I did it! TODOROKI, FREEZE HIM!!!

Todoroki: ON IT!

Todoroki quickly puts his hand on the ground, causing the rock pillars to freeze solid, with Metallix inside. However, before they can celebrate, Metallix's eyes glow a burning red, as the ice begins to melt and let off steam.

Deku: No! Keep him frozen!

Todoroki: I'm trying! He's melting face that I can freeze him.

Metallix begins to glow a burning orange-red from within the iceberg before breaking free using Bakugou's explosion technique.

Metallix: ENOUGH!!!

The explosion blows some of the heroes away as Metallix comes flying after Todoroki and slams him onto the ground, before freezing him with his own powers.

Todoroki: Ngh! Dammit!

Metallix then revs into a ball, performing his own spin attack, and ramming into the heroes at high speeds. The android keeps spinning until Kirishima jumps in and hardens himself, holding the spin attack back.


Metallix: Insignificant pest!

Both Metallix and Kirishima keep pushing against each other, trying to knock the other down. Kirishima then begins to crackle with lightning and his eyes glow red as he gains more power from the ring in his pocket. With all the power he has, he grabs the spinning ball and throws him away toward a nearby piece of scrap. He doesn't let up, taking off after the android, alongside Rouge, as the two of them perform their Deep Impact and Screw Kick attacks. Metallix blows both attacks before sending them flying with another shield burst. Bakugou then comes flying at Metallix again with pure rage on his face.


Metallix takes off after the boy and, using Deku's technique, punches the boy hard in the gut before he can land his attack. Bakugou coughs up blood and drops to the ground. Metallix then uses Kaminari's power once more to fire an indiscriminate shock at the battlefield. At this point, most of the heroes are defeated. Metallix looks over his fallen foes and begins to gloat.

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