"Sure! I'd love that!"

The smile on Oliver's face gave Fukase butterflies. Although his sudden stroke of boldness had turned into a rambly request, that smile made it all worth it.

Finally, they arrived in the lunchroom, where they found Flower and Len already waiting for them at their usual table in the corner.

Piko waved to them, getting their attention, and they could see Len's jaw drop when they saw who was with them.

The three took a seat at the table. Piko sat next to Flower while Fukase and Oliver sat next to Len.

"Hi, I'm Oliver!"

"Whattt??? You didn't tell us you were bringing someone new!" Len exclaimed.

"Ah, sorry, did I startle you?" Oliver chuckled sheepishly. "I just transferred here, by the way. Piko invited me."

Len and Flower whipped around to stare Piko down.

"Piko? Why didn't you tell us?" Flower asked, confused.

"Uh, surprise?" Piko chuckled. "It's no fun if I tell you ahead of time, anyway."

"Well, you're here now." Len smiled. "I'm Len. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Len!" Oliver smiled back and turned to face Flower next. "What about you?"

"I'm Flower," she said, offering an assuring smile. "This group's kinda kooky, so I hope you won't get sick of us anytime soon."

Oliver grinned at that. "Don't worry, you won't be getting rid of me too easily."

Fukase smiled, glad that they seemed to be getting along. At this rate, he could rest easy knowing that if they were to have a relationship, his friends would be okay with it. They'd support him and Oliver, for sure—

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down!

He didn't even know if Oliver liked him back yet. Of course, that was a can of worms to open another day. It was probably best that they stayed friends for now. He didn't even know Oliver all that well to begin with.

"So," Flower started in a teasing tone. Fukase did not like where this was going already. "Tell us a bit about yourself."

"Well, you already know that I'm an exchange student from London," Oliver replied smoothly. "What else would you like to know?"

"For starters..." Flower glanced at Len, who tried to hide a smile. "Are you an S or M?"

Fukase nearly spat out his strawberry milk at the question. Oliver probably wouldn't know what that meant, but he wasn't about to be the one to explain it. Actually, no one should explain it. It wasn't something that Oliver needed to know!

"What's tha—"

"IT'S NOT IMPORTANT!" Fukase cut off. There was no way in hell he's answering that question. "Forget about what Flower said. Um, tell us about what it was like in London!" He quickly changed the subject to hide his fluster. Flower glared at him. Sorry, not today Flower!

"London?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah! I don't know much about London aside from the fact it rains all the time." Fukase justified his subject change.

"And they colonize people," Flower added.

"Flower! Shhh!"

"Well. Japan has committed plenty of war crimes too," Oliver reasoned. Oh boy, was this going to get political?

"Oh shut up, you can't even say Tuesday correctly." Flower countered.

"You take that back—"

"OKAY! Let's not get heated now," Fukase interjected. "Oliver, did you know that Japan has all four seasons? Like, in most regions, anyway."

"So does London, even if it rains during all of them..."

They all fell silent for a moment.

"So what was school like?" Piko tried to start up the conversation again.

Oliver shrugged. "It was fine. It's not like all the teen dramas you watch on TV, that's for sure."

Len cleared his throat and everyone directed their attention toward him. "Okay. Ice breakers! I looked them up. First question: What's the weirdest food you've tried? I ate a banana out of the trash one time."

"I ate a spider alive," Oliver deadpanned.

"O-oh," Len's eyes widened, "Um, next question. Would you eat it again?"

"Sure, why not? It had blue blood, by the way. It was kinda entertaining." Finally, his face split into a grin again. Fukase expected him to say he was just kidding, but it never came.

At least he's being honest? Fukase thought.

"Next question: What's your lock screen? Is there a story?"

"I just left it on the default," Oliver admitted.

"No way! We need to fix that." Flower exclaimed. "Lemme see." As soon as Oliver got his phone out, she yoinked it out of his hands. "Ooh, no password? I see, it's free real estate then." She chuckled mischievously.

"Ah, Flower, maybe you shouldn't do that," Piko cautioned.

"Nah, it's fine," Oliver said. "I don't mind that much. Just don't make it something weird."

"Great. Hey, Fukase. Say cheese." Flower held up the phone and took a picture of him before he could react. "And there. Done."

Flower handed the phone back to Oliver and Fukase's face turned red. It was a blurry picture of him, his face stuffed with food. And it was Oliver's lock screen now. His CRUSH'S lock screen.

Oliver tried to hide his laughter, really, he did. But he couldn't deny that maybe this wasn't the worst lock screen in the world. "Thanks, Flower. I would've never figured out how to do that on my own."

Fukase's face burned with embarrassment as Oliver pocketed his phone and continued eating as if nothing had happened. Oh god, Oliver said he didn't even know how to change it. That means that's going to be there for who knows how long.

"Next question!" Len started again, "Are you a cat or a dog person?"

"Ooh! I like cats!" Flower responded immediately.

"I like reptiles more than cats or dogs. Especially geckos," said Piko. "Fish are cool, too."

"I hate fish."

"I know, Flower. That's why I don't have any."

"I like dogs," Len answered, ignoring their banter.

"I like all animals," Fukase squeaked out nervously. "I really like fluffy ones. Like big dogs... and red pandas." He hadn't contributed much to the conversation since the beginning, but figured that he could say something now. "What about you, Oliver?"

He gave it a bit more thought. "I like all animals," he said carefully. "Though, if I had to choose a favorite, I prefer more... wild animals."

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

The cafeteria was suddenly a whole lot noisier as students started packing up to get to their next class.

"It was nice talking to you all," Oliver said, somehow already packed up.

"You too! You'll meet with us tomorrow, right?" Len asked.

"Sure thing. I'll see you then."

"See you..." Fukase said, but he was already gone. 

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