Chapter 2

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Worst day of my life. When I finally started to cope, and worked myself back to being a functional human being, I gathered myself, paid tribute to Rico's soul, may it rest in peace, and tried to figure out what the hell just happened. A vast majority of communication was shut down, but a gathering of people were able to get a news feed up and running. Apparently this was a world wide event.

    The world was turned upside down, beaten up, chewed up and spit out, and violated in just about every other way. I heard someone describe it like a cleansing. Like mother nature was tired of our shit and cleaning all the filth away, taking back what was rightfully hers. The same person also used to stand on street corners and scream that God was coming back, for years on end, so I'll take what they say with a grain of salt. All I knew for sure was that I wasn't staying around here anymore. I couldn't. Without Rico, I don't even have a reason to.

   I made my way back to my apartment, hoping it was still there, and luckily enough it was. It was hard getting to my unit, but some rock climbing, and twisted ankles later, I made it. I had to practically bust the door down to get it open, but I got in. It looked like an earthquake had turned this place upside down. Oh wait. It did.

I sat on the couch and rested for awhile. It was the first time in days I was able to rest, comfortably. I layed across the couch and passed out for a bit. When I woke up I sat up and stretched, almost forgetting the situation I was in.

    A deep sigh set me back to reality. I need to go pack a bag, so I can get out of here. The sooner, the better. I went through my closet and drawers, dumping out everything that wasn't, already.

   The bed and floor were covered with our stuff now. I grabbed one of Rico's duffle bags and put some of my clothes in it, along with Rico's too. Memorabilia, I guess.

    As I was packing his stuff I picked up a hoodie of his, and held it out at arms length. I remember this hoodie, it was his favorite. It's just an all black one, but I bought it for his birthday, one year. He cherished it. I hugged it and my nose was filled with his aroma. I'm taking this, as a matter of fact, I'm putting it on right now.
   Rico wore XXL, and XXXL hoodies, cause of his height and build, so this was almost a dress for me. I loved it. After filling the bag, I took a look around, checking to see if I missed anything. As I looked around I noticed a piece of folded up paper. When I looked at it, I couldn't help crying. It was the very first love letter that Rico ever wrote for me.

    Fuck. Why Rico? Why? I don't know how to survive on my own. You were the expert on this doomsday shit. You were obsessed with it. I thought you were crazy, but fuck. Look at this shit now. You always used to teach me stuff, but fuck, I don't know if I can do it. Wait a minute. As I thought about him, I remembered something he owned, and checked the room again for it.

   Our room was a mess. Literally the entire floor was covered in random stuff, clothes and whatnot. I rummaged through it all and looked under the bed. I think this is where he kept it. I couldn't immediately see it, so I felt around till I felt a cold metal.

    There it is. I dragged it from under the bed and looked at it. Rico's knife. He called "the devil's fang" the knife was pure black, sharp enough to cut steel, menacing as hell, and obnoxiously long. Twelve inches to be exact. I know because I compared it next to Rico's.... Nevermind, that's not important. Anyway, this is definitely gonna come in handy. After packing I threw the duffle bag straps over my shoulder like a back pack and headed out.

    When I stepped out my apartment, I was met with a suprise. It was cold. Not just a bit cold, but seeing my own breath cold. I thought I noticed it getting colder, but this is insane. I packed a thermal I bought a few years back, guess I'll need it sooner than I thought. I stepped back inside to put that on really quick and was finally able to start my journey. As I started walking I heard Rico's voice call out to me "It's gonna be okay. I'll be with you every step of the way." That sent chills down my spine. Fuck. I guess I'm actually doing this. Well, this is goodbye California. It's been nice.

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