XI. The Chairwoman

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A lady in a flowy robe of golden silk with pins dangling in her black hair sat alone on the Jade Seat. Before her, alcoves and carved arcs formed a passage that led from the highest chair in her country to the biggest balcony overlooking the capital. Behind her, stone doors divided the new head of state from the rest of the bureaucrats occupying the Onyx Tower. In this oversized pagoda, thousands performed their duties. And one, elected by them, held the ultimate power: a lady with phoenix eyes and transparent skin. Lady Yuan of House Xin.

The new Chairwoman had little time to spare in the last several days following her inauguration. Commuting between Linsi, the Ocean of Clouds and the capital in Xilong, she barely slept. As the news of her miraculous resurrection spread, so did the gossip about her unnatural powers and dangerous allies. She should have been proud and content, yet, all her accomplishments brought nothing but a brief flash of satisfaction followed by harrowing emptiness.

She was a musician of great renown. Now she was also the most powerful woman in Senrei. And lodged in her chest, like an arrow tip, was despair. Xin Yuan welcomed it.

Her plan had worked. With the General gone, there was little to worry about. Xin Yuan now ruled over the ancient city with ragged cliffs protruding from streets and markets—marvellous Xilong with its beautiful 'dragon bones'. Xin Yuan was safe and surrounded by loyal or influential people from all sides. Yet, she was more alone than ever before. And loneliness brought unwelcome memories.

When did she decide to claw her way to power? Perhaps, Xin Yuan made her choice the evening she met her dear cousin Xin Yufei, a military officer. It must have been that night in Linsi.

They were in a boat, admiring the views of the streets from the canals. As the twilight faded away, so did their optimism.

"After his successful campaign against the pirate syndicates, Min Lian has the full support of our military," Xin Yufei told her, tugging at the straps of his uniform with strained fingers. "It's a matter of time before he claims the Jade Seat."

"He can't," Xin Yuan replied, leaning back in the boat and listening to the quiet splashes. "The High Officials hate the military and won't support a radical like him. Moreover, his talks about restricting spinners make no sense. Half of Senrei is built by spinning artists."

Xin Yufei frowned. "Nobody cared about the Moon-Marked when he started hunting them. So why would anyone care about spinners and scholars?"

With a grave nod, Xin Yuan replied, "I'll make them care. When elected, I will find a way to protect the Moon-Marked and every other Sen."

"How?! You know how much the High Officials profit from Moon-Marked bones. They will never forfeit their bloody treasures."

"Don't underestimate me, cousin," Xin Yuan said, lifting a hand. "I'm working on 'amplifiers' that mimic and disperse the powers of the Moon-Marked, making the use of their bones obsolete and unnecessary." She paused, drawing more air into her lungs than was necessary. "If I succeed, Min Lian and his likes will never rise to power." The doubt in Xin Yufei's eyes did not deter her. "I'm not delusional, Yufei. As long as the Moon-Marked exist, people will do anything to claim their powers over spinners. However, one way around this dilemma is to render their powers useless. And this is the path I'm taking."

"You're a spinner." He sighed. "Some may say you have the artists' interests at heart."

Well, they could haggle all they wanted. Xin Yuan did not care about the bilge they spat.

"I have Senrei's interests at heart," she said. "People like Min Lian do not. They want to stifle progress...."

Xin Yufei lunged forward and covered her with his cloak before she could finish the sentence.

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