Bonus: Comments, Q&As and Trivia

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Thank you for reading my novella. Writing it was a pleasure, and sharing it with the world is a privilege. The ONC was an excellent opportunity to stimulate creativity and explore new ideas and forms for me and everyone else out there. As of now, 'Thirty-Three Tastes Of Poison' is complete. 

And while I'm editing the story, I wanted to share some additional information about the world of the Anomaly and clarify some of the lore aspects you could find confusing: 

Names, Meanings, and Translations:

Emőke is pronounced as [ˈɛmøːkɛ]

Elemér is pronounced as [ˈeleme̞r]

Both are old Hungarian names considered rare nowadays.

"Hölgyem" means "My Lady". 

"Uram" means "My Lord"

Elemér's last words to Emőke, "Sose halunk meg", can be translated as "We never die".

Lightning's references to the void in the epilogue are inspired by Xin Yuan's name. 'Yuan' is written as '渊', meaning 'abyss'. 

The endless depths of her character make it easy to understand why Lightning and the Envoy both think her name matches her multi-layered personality. She is clearly not what she appears to be. And neither is Lightning.

When encountering Su Emőke makes a mistake, thinking the girl's name means 'plain' (素). In reality, it is not 'plain' but 'respectful' (肃). Also, most likely, 'Su' is a nickname used by Xin Yuan, but not the girl's actual name/surname.

The 'Lian' part in Min Lian's name means 'lotus' (莲), which is a nod to his deceptively fragile appearance and pale complexion—a bizarre name (to say the least:) for a military tactician and an unscrupulous bastard of his calibre.

Questions and Answers: 

Are all Magor bisexual? Yes. Most of them, including Elemér and Emőke, are indeed bisexual. Attraction to one gender is considered highly unusual in the Domain. Partially, this little detail reflects my personal experiences and allows me to explore the characters more deeply. Also, the Spy's complicated emotions towards both Lightning and the Envoy are...beautiful and tragic.

Who/What is Lightning? One thing about him is undeniable: he is a musician. 'Unnaturally' gifted from most people's perspective.  As to Lightning's real name, he has many. And all are real. 

Also, he is the only character from the novella to make an appearance in "A Thousand Days of Blinding Brilliance".

Is Emőke really dead? Most likely.

How long can a Magor live? They can live for centuries, especially if they don't leave the Domain. Compared to other characters, the Magor have insanely long lifespans, and some can develop unique abilities, as demonstrated by Emőke. But they are not immortal or invulnerable. 

Why are the Sen so technologically advanced? Favourable climate, plentiful resources and no official religion to repress progress. The 'Flow' Min Lian refers to is not a religious concept but rather a basis for philosophical guidelines that help the Sen navigate the world. 

Their philosophy promotes progress and scorns blind 'faith'. Thus, they have a society of scientists and scholars with infinite potential. But, of course, they are not ideal. (Min Lian and the High Officials demonstrate that point well enough, I hope:)

What happens next? I've left a couple of strings unattached, but the story of the General and the Envoy with thirty-three poison vials is complete.

Once again, thank you for reading my work! All comments, votes and reads are welcome and appreciated beyond measure. 

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