Final (short)

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*Andromeda's POV*

 We watched with smiles as Tarrant did the Futterwacken and Maverick kissed my temple. Maverick then walked over to the Jabberwocky and took some of its blood in a vial and looked at me sadly, "I guess this means you'll have to go back." I sighed and smiled, "While I love the Kingsleighs, you are my world," I sprinkled some dust into the vial, "Alastor, please come here." 

Alastor walks over and looks at me in confusion, "Yes Meda?" I smiled, "I want to thank you for everything you and your family have done for me, but I belong here. This vial will take you back to the topside, but it will also erase any memory of me from everyone, except you. I know it's unfair, but I can't leave Maverick again."

Alastor smiled and takes the vial, "I understand. I'll be sure to try and visit...sister." I smiled and hugged Ast close, "Be safe and careful brother." Mother walks over and kisses Alastor's head, "Thank you for taking care of my daughter." Alastor smiled softly, "You're welcome. I'm sorry about Rinton." Mother sighs, "He would want us to remember him with smiles. Be careful." 

Alastor walked over to Tarrant to say goodbye and Maverick smiled down at me, "Well love, are you ready to have the life we always talked about?" I smiled and kissed his lips, "Absolutely." Maverick smiled and set a hand on my stomach, "I love you so much, my queen." I giggled, "I love you too, my king." We gathered my father's body and started heading to Marmoreal.

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