Chapter Seven

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*Andromeda's POV*

I woke up, breathing heavily, and finally understanding everything. King Oleron sent me away for protection against Prince- err- King Ian. But it's all my fault, I fell in love with his brother when I should have fallen in love with him. I teared up and covered my face to hide my sobs. I heard the door open and I gasp, looking up. "Meda? Are you okay?" I heard Nirvana ask. 

I gasp in happiness, "Oh Nirvana! I remember everything! And it's all my fault!" I sniffle as Nirvana hops on the bed. "Why is it your fault, Lady Andromeda?" I sniffle, "I fell in love with Maverick when I should have been faithful to Ian." Nirvana sighs, "My Lady, you can not help who you have fallen in love with. King Ian hasn't made it easy either. He was verbally abusive to you and mentally. You always seemed darker when you were around him, lighting up when King Maverick was around." I smile and hugged Mirvana close, "I just hope Alastor is safe and Matt is taking him to Tarrant. He'll know what to do." 

*Alastor's POV*

The Cheshire Cat led me to a tea party and the man at the end stood up and walked to me. "It's you," He said happily. The Dormouse, Matt, stood up and rolled his eyes, "No it's not! McTwisp brought us the wrong Alastor!" The March Hare yanked his ears in panic, "It's the wrong Alastor!" 

The man in front of me grinned, "It's absolutely Alastor! You're absolutely Alastor. I'd know you anywhere. I'd know him anywhere!" 

I have come to the conclusion that everyone is mad, everything becomes a blur until I hear my sister's name, "Wait! How do you know my sister Andromeda?" Matt gasps as the Hatter's smile disappears, "Lady Andromeda Quintrell. She is the daughter of Lord Rinton and Lady Fallon. She was betrothed to the Red King or as everyone calls him "Bloody Big Head". The Red King tried his hardest to make Andromeda fall in love with him, but nothing worked. He was verbally abusing her, calling her names, and picking on her. Andromeda fell in love with the White King, King Maverick and King Ian was furious. During Horenvendush Day, the day of Prince Ian's coronation to become King of Underland, King Ian lost his sanity. Threatened subjects and then King Oleron stopped him. King Oleron gave the title to his youngest son, Maverick, and changed the betrothal so that Lady Andromeda would marry Prince Maverick. This change made everyone happy, knowing what King Ian was doing to Andromeda, but Bloody Big Head was furious. Claiming that Meda was, is, and will be his forever. King Oleron finally saw his son's obsession with Lady Meda and refused to let Ian continue to court her and asked Meda to drink a potion to make her about twelve years old and for her protection, dropped her off-" 

I interrupted him, "On my family's doorstep. We never found her family, I guess that explains why she ended up with my family. She was always reading, daydreaming, and recently she's been having dreams about this man she thinks that she should be with." Matt spoke up, "King Oleron told everyone the next day that Lady Meda disappeared. The White King knew everything going on, he was sad, but he knew why Meda was sent away. The Red King was angry, blaming everyone for 'his Queen's' disappearance, and eventually fell off the deep end even more. He banished Meda's parents, almost killing them until King Maverick took them in and protected them, further sealing their decision to have their daughter marry the youngest prince." 

I sat there in a fury, hating this Red King even more, "He has my sister in his castle." Matt gasped, "Oh no." The Hatter sneered, "He can't marry her, the moment he does, Meda won't be the same as we remembered her." 

*Andromeda's POV*

I sat in front of a vanity, styling my hair. The door opened to show King Ian and I glared at him, "Hello Ian." Ian grinned, "I see you remember everything, Lady Andromeda. Have you decided to make everything correct as it should have been and become my queen? A beautiful and intelligent woman like yourself should be with a proper king like myself." 

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