Chapter Six: Flashback

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Flashback, Andromeda's POV

"Andromeda, dear. Are you ready for the coronation?" My mother, Fallon Quintrell, asked me with a smile. I nodded as we walked through Witzend's town square, "Oh, yes mother! I'm looking forward to it." My father, Rinton Quintrell, grinned slyly, "Or is it because of a certain prince named Maverick?" 

I blushed hard and avoided my parents' eyes, "What on earth do you ever mean father?" My father chuckled, "I know that you've gotten close to Prince Maverick, but you have to understand that you are promised to Prince Ian." I sighed, "I know father, but I can't help who I fall in love with. I'm sorry for being such a disappointing daughter and falling in love with a man I can not have." 

Mother gasped and cupped my face, "You are not a disappointing daughter. We hoped you married for love, not power and you did! Granted it will probably break Prince Ian's heart, but we can talk to King Oleron and Queen Elsemere to change your betrothal." I smiled and hugged my parents, "Thank you so much! I'm sorry I couldn't fall in love with Prince Ian. Nothing clicked for us and I found my love and life within Maverick. I feel guilty for not trying harder enough to fall in love with Prince Ian." 

Father grinned wider, "Already calling him Maverick?" I blushed, "He insisted that I did call him that or Mave." Mother giggled, "Ah, young love." We walked into the church and sat in the front row, right in front of Maverick. I blushed as he smiled at me and I failed to miss the frown on Prince Ian's face as he watched our interaction. 

Everyone clapped as the trumpets sounded, commencing the start of the ceremony. I smile as Tarrant quietly and sneakily walks up to his family that is standing off to the side. "Congratulations, dear Maverick, on your coming of age," King Oleron says with a smile and then looks at Prince Ian, "And now, the heir. The crown for Prince Ian." The only ones clapping are my family and Maverick. Maverick frowns and I smile sadly at him, knowing how much he loves his brother. 

Prince Ian mutters something before smiling softly at me and nodding in thanks. I nod back in respect and watch as Tarrant's father, Zanik, walks over to put the crown on top of Ian's head. We all watch as Zanik tries to place the crown on his head, only to struggle due to the size of the crown being incorrect. I sigh as Tarrant giggles and accidentally closes the crown jewel's box, causing it to slam shut. 

Everyone starts to whisper as Ian gets aggravated. Zanik tries again to place the crown correctly, only for it to shatter and fall to the floor. I gasped in horror as Tarrant starts laughing and everyone follows suit, leaving my parents, Maverick, his parents, and I to look around in horror as everyone disrespects the Crown Prince. 

Prince Ian stands up and yells, "Silence! The next person that laughs will never laugh again!" My mother gasps, "Oh my." My father whispers, "I do not wish for my daughter to marry someone who threatens people like that, much less a soon-to-be king. Meda, you were right for falling in love with Maverick." 

"Ian, please!" Queen Elsemere looked at her son with astonishment, "However would you stop people from laughing?" Someone from the crowd spoke up, "Uh, put a bag on his head." She started laughing and everyone joined. My mother gave the woman a dirty look and whispered to me, "Why would anyone disrespect a royal like that?" 

"Put a bag on your head! Put a bag on all of your heads! Yes! We'll sew up your lips, carve your tongues, cut off your ears, off with you! Just off, off, off with their-" Ian starts to rant angrily as his father stands up and interrupts him. "Ian, enough!" King Oleron walks forward, "Ian. I had always hoped that you would one day show the necessary qualities to become King, you were born to be. I realize that day will never come."

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