Chapter Ten

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*Andromeda's POV*

I giggled as Maverick twirled me around on the balcony the next morning, "What is with you and making me twirl?" Maverick chuckled and brought me close, "My dearest Princess. You look so graceful when you twirl. I'm so thankful that I fell in love with you."

I frowned, "I'm thankful that I fell in love with you too, but don't you think that if I followed what I was meant to do and been with your brother that everything would have been fine? He wouldn't be this way?" Maverick sighs and kisses my forehead, "Meda, he was abusive. I firmly believe that if you married him, you would have been miserable. I'm sorry you feel guilty about all this, but you have to know that once our parents found out what Ian was doing, they were furious."

I kissed Mave's cheek, "I just feel like it's my fault. I feel like everything that is going on is my fault for not falling in love with him." Maverick cups my cheek and smiles, "I know, and I have no idea how to help, but Ian's been like this since we were children."

I giggled, "I remember. I was running through Witzend and you bumped into me." Maverick blushed, "I did that on purpose actually. I didn't have the courage to talk to you right out." I giggled, "You were so red in the face and stuttering."

Maverick frowned, "But once Ian saw you talking to me, it was game over. Three years after we met, mother and father betrothed you to Ian, leaving me to love you from afar. Andromeda Quintrell, I have loved you since we were children," Maverick got down on one knee and I covered my mouth with a hand, "But I want to do this right. I am deeply in love and I want you forever in my life. You are the reason behind my laughter and smile-you are my world. The one I wanted to find, to tell you that I need you all my life, from this day on till the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

I watched as Maverick opened up the ring box and I teared up, smiling. (Picture up top) I couldn't form words as Maverick was on the ground, waiting for my answer. I started laughing through my tears and nodded, "Yes. Yes, yes, yes! I will marry you!"

Maverick smiled, put the ring on my finger, and cheered, picking me up by the waist and spinning me around. I giggled and cupped his cheeks, kissing his lips. I heard cheering from behind us and I looked to see my parents and Alastor.

Alastor smiled and hugged me, "Congrats sister!" I giggled as my father teared up and hugged my mother, "My baby girl is getting married!" My mother giggled as my father started crying with joy.

That Night

Alastor, Maverick, and I stand on the same balcony as this morning, just watching the nightly scenery. I smiled and looked down at my ring as Mave stood right beside me. "I had hoped to have a champion by now," Maverick said, slyly looking at Alastor. Alastor looked at Mave, "Why don't you slay the Jabberwocky yourself? You must have the power"

I sighed, "Unlike Ian, it's against our vows to harm any living creature." Mave smiled and brought me close, only to swat at and sputter at a bug flying in his face. I giggled at him and Maverick playfully glared at me.

I smiled and looked off into the distance to see Hatter walking with everyone else up to the castle. "My love. We have company," I told Maverick and ran inside to go downstairs, hearing Maverick following closely behind. I ran up to Tarrant and hugged him tightly, "Hello old friend." Tarrant smiled and hugged me back, "Hello, Meda. You have to be careful on Frabjous Day. Ian has the intention to forcefully take you from King Maverick."

I sighed, "He just can't learn to love Illiana can he?" Tarrant smiled sadly, "It seems not." Alastor came over and I walked over to Maverick, patting each of the twins on the head.

We got everyone settled into a room and Maverick took me to mine. "Well, I'll see you in the morning, love. I'll keep you safe." I smiled and kissed Maverick's lips, bringing him close. Maverick hummed into the kiss and grabbed my hips, gasping when I bit his lip. "Don't start anything you can't finish love."

I giggled and walked backwards to my room, bringing Maverick with me, "What on earth do you mean, my king? I wish to celebrate my engagement with the most loving and caring man." Maverick smiled and kissed me deeply, "Then we shall, my queen."

Maverick shut the door and there are times like these when having my room away from everyone else, comes in handy.

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