"Is this who's in charge of our future money?" A voice rang behind me, and I spun on my heels, Harry place his hands on my waist before I stumbled onto him.

Exactly in front of me was Niall. His brown hair was messy, and he wasn't dressed as a ghost, but he had blood all over his face—fake blood, I hope.

Harry gritted his teeth and said, "Niall, go stand on your spot." I swallowed forcefully as Niall's eyes sank into my body, and I felt briefly embarrassed before his blue eyes met mine.

" Hi." I smile and send him a small wave; he laughs but smiles back.

"Good to see you, Juliet." and he proceeds to the location Harry must have sent him to.

"Now, now, if the man gets touchy, what will you do?" I felt a chill run down my body as Harry's calm, even breath touched my skin.

I say, loud enough for him to hear, "I use my knife."

He shoves me up against his body, "Atta girl. You'll cut off his hands." He whispered, telling me the same thing he told me at the art gallery. "You'll look pretty with blood all over your face."

"Oh, shut up." I nudged him with my elbow, pulled away from him, and turned around so I was facing him. I cocked my head up to stare into his green eyes. He seemed intrigued; red lights shone on his face, making him look like the devil and ready to devour me alone.

Harry says, "Now if I press this button..." and takes a remote out of his jeans to show it to me. His hands land under my chin, raising the angle of my head. "You'll be able to hear me; I'll have my mask on, but I'll be standing near."

He was wearing a black button-up shirt with a few of the buttons undone, and I swallowed with a nod as I continued to scan his body for the hundredth time today. Because of the mask, his hair was messy and parted in the middle. His entire body was covered in tattoos. Harry looked down at me and ran his tongue over his lips while holding his mask between his fingers.

Harry notices me watching and gives me an amused grin My feelings were confusing; sometimes I wanted Harry to kiss me and touch my body, and other times I wanted to scream at him and hurt him.

However, today, in particular, he appeared good. His body, hair, and lips all appeared to be soft, pink, and ready for a kiss. He looked to be an angel disguised as the devil.

"Are you ready?" he asks, and I nod.

"I think so." I exhaled, and Harry grabbed the remaining drinks—both of them.

"So I can't drink, but you just drank two cups of whatever Abby gave me." Harry sets the cups down before turning around and grasping my jaw. My initial reaction was to move away from him; nevertheless, I chose to stand there and observe how he stared down at me while I stared up at him.

His lips were flawless, and his eyes were razor-sharp. "Because I won't get drunk." My mouth opened to speak, but before I could, his thumb pressed across my lips. I fluttered my eyelids at him while keeping my lips parted, and something inside of me sparked up like fireworks as his thumb glided inside with ease.

My body was warm, and I had a tingling sensation. "However, if anything goes wrong..." His thumb escapes from my mouth and grabs my jaw roughly. "If something goes wrong, I have two guns with me."

I choked back my words and looked up into his eyes. He directs my head toward that area of the room and says, "I have Abby ready if anything goes wrong over there." Immediately, my eyes landed on Abby, who was leaning up against a wall with her mask off but smoking something.

Harry hums as he turns my attention back to him. The rest of my team and Louis will be aiming at their team, and I'll be keeping an eye on you. I nod "You must give him all; don't be afraid."

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