Começar do início

She walks away

Boss: Go? Go where? Paige hey Paige(she keeps walking)

Across town

At the Cemetery, there is a funeral taking place the funeral of Phoebe Halliwell, her sisters her brothers in law their father, their family friend Darryl and many of Phoebe's friends were listening to a Priestess, once the service is over, people form a line to pay their respects to the family. Paige is among them; she gets to Prue(who is holding a sleeping baby Penny)

Paige: I'm so sorry for your loss

Prue: How did you know Phoebe? From school?

Paige: No just from around you know(Prue nods her head) anyway I'm sorry for your loss(they shake hands and somehow Prue is pulled into a premonition, she falls to the floor in shock as Paige walks away Piper and Leo rush over to her)

Piper: Prue What happened? Are you okay?

They help Prue up

Prue: I think I just had a premonition

Rose: What?

Prue: I think Phoebe sent to me.

Piper: Okay what did you see?

Prue: I saw Shax, he was killing three girls one of them I was just talking to, I don't know who the other two are but I have to go after the girl(she goes to follow her but Cole shimmers in and he is injured and another demon shimmers in and goes to throw an energy ball, but Prue sends him flying, knocking the energy ball into himself and he is vanquished, but another demon shimmers in, he throws an energy ball, Piper Rose Andy, James Leo and Victor hide behind a oiler.

Piper: Stop it (Cole throws his own energy ball, it hits the demon and vanquishes him) Stop it Stop it Damm it, this is Phoebe's funeral for god sakes can we at least bury her in peace, Is that too much to ask(she knocks over a vase of flowers and she storms out)

Rose: Piper!

Rose rushes after her sister

Back at the Halliwell Manor.

There are a lot of people there for Phoebe's wake, Prue is looking for around for the girl that she saw in her premonition

Prue: I don't see girl from my premonition

Leo: Prue keep your voice down. What else did you see? Where the girl attacked

Prue: On a rooftop one with Helipad there were a lot of tall buildings around it

Leo: Okay we just have to find that building before Shax does

Piper: And do what exactly, you can't vanquish Shax without the Power of three

Leo: Piper keep your voice down

Piper: No Leo I won't. Do you really expect us to keep doing this after what happened, to keep risking our lives? Do they?

Leo: Piper

Piper: No, I don't want to do this anymore, okay its over you can tell them we buried their precious Charmed Ones when we buried our baby sister

Rose: She is right I am sorry(Rose also heads up the stairs)

She turns around and walks up the stairs, Leo and James go to follow them, but Prue stops them as Cole walks in.

Prue: Leo James let them go(she turns to Cole) Cole are you okay?

Cole: Yes, I want to help I know I have said this but again I am so sorry that I could not save Phoebe

Charmed the Power of FourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora