-Zohakuten Immerges-

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It seems like this woman knows who Giyu is because of how her gaze shows not curiosity, but an opposing threat.

Nakime leaves the room with a threatening aura that didn't surpass Giyu's senses.

"How long has she been working here?" He asked, to which Yae replied

"She's been here longer than I have"

It's the perfect cover.

As Giyu was about to leave the room, the whole area starts to rumble. The floor shakes as the unseen threat takes a step. Giyu takes a step back and gets Yae behind him to guard her.

The heavy metallic steps comes closer and closer, it shook Yaw right to her core. She was afraid, her legs felt like cooked noodles. Her blood ran cold.

Giyu stayed in heightened alert, carefully scanning the area with only his eyes.


"AHHHHHH!!!!!" Yae screamed from behind him along with the sound of windows breaking.

He turned around and saw a big, metal, mechanical arm wrap around her waist, pulling her out of the window.

As the figure immerges, it was revealed to be a man with four mechanical arms attached to his back, with a harness around his waist.

"Tomioka" The man bellows

He's in one of their case files. One of the most wanted man in Japan, suspected to be working with none other than Kibutsuji.


He climbs the side of the hotel using his mechanical arms with one of his arms having Yae around the waist.

Giyu jumped out the window, shoots his grapple gun which attached itself to one of Zohakuten's metal limbs, hoisting Giyu up towards him.

As he reached Zohakuten, he punched him behind his neck, but he ducked then one of his mechanical limbs grabs Giyu and slams him on the side of the building.

As Giyu struggles to break free from the arms grasp, he draws his firearm and shoots Zohakuten, causing the metal tentacle that was grasping him and Yae to let go and shield Zohakuten from the bullets being fired.

Yae starts to fall.

Giyu starts to free fall, but grabs his grapple gun that is still attached to one of the arms, and swings himself up, grabbing Yae from midair, saving her from the fall.

He reinserts another grapple hook in to his gun and shoots towards the building across the hotel.

Zohakuten starts making his way towards them, his four metal arms grabbing hold to the side of the building damaging it in the process.

Giyu with Yae around his arm swings towards the other building, just in the nick of time before Zohakuten can grab them.

They break through one of the windows and he picks her up as they continue to run away. Giyu unsheathes his sword for the ready.

Zohakuten with the power of his contraption, launches himself towards the floor which Giyu and Yae are in.

He pushes Yae out of the way, as the metal tentacles start to come towards him.

Giyu, with his incredible speed, is able to keep up with the four mechanical limbs that is attacking him. He blocks every single attempt with his sword.

Zohakuten was getting frustrated, so he make one of his metal arms grab on to the sword that his opponent is using.

The other grabs on to the ceiling, and Zohakuten delivers a flying kick to Giyu, blasting him across the room leaving his sword behind.

He goes towards Giyu and grabs him by the neck.

"You have a bad habit of getting in to our business" He says

"I don't care about your business" Giyu replied "I need her back"

"You won't find your partner, alive" Zohakuten retorts, as the tentacle wraps around Giyu's body, squeezing him out of his breath

Yae stood up and tried to help him, but one of the tentacles hit her across the head, knocking her out.

Giyu starts to gasp for air, but soon he blacks out from the lack of oxygen.

[A couple of hours later...]

Giyu wakes up back in the infirmary in the headquarters. Kagaya was beside him,

"You disobeyed a direct order" The director said "And you indangered that innocent woman's life"

Giyu grunts

"She's alright, she's in the room across the hall" Kagaya said "Stand down Giyu. We need you elsewhere, put your trust into your team"

"My team is long gone" He replied, reminding Kagaya the horrors that cost the life of two of his members "Now my only partner is missing"

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