-A Familiar Face-

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Giyu went to the place where Shinobu was deployed to look for evidence, signs or anything that the search team might have missed.

It's not easy for him to give his trust, not even to most of his colleagues. If he does well that means you're really important to him.

Like her.

Using the pattern of movements that Shinobu made during her mission that they got in their RADAR, he inspects every inch of land that Shinobu stepped on.

There was an obvious and awkward pattern of motion within her field. She made a sharp turn in a dark alley, and another to exit said alley, then she backtracked, stopping for a few moments before moving again.

She knocked someone out? But if so, who?

"Tokito" He communicated with the use of his radio "Did you get any reports of Kocho neutralizing someone within this alley?"

"No, not at all" Muichiro answered "Why?"

"How about struggle?" He inspects the alley

"She was seemingly going smoothly with her mission"

With that Giyu sighed and moved to the next location, he'll come back to this place if needed. He went to the rooftop of a hotel where Shinobu took a stop for a couple of minutes before moving on.

He went to the position where she was, to better look at the situation with her point of view. Thinking of what Shinobu might be doing here, he remembers her sitting on the ledge one time when they were hanging out together in his apartment.

"Hm." He grunts, before sitting on the ledge, thinking. Turning off his radio, he sighs and closes his eyes

"What are you doing here...?" He asked her in his thoughts

My goodness, the cold evening wind was so nice to feel. That, and the fact that he's sitting on the edge of the roof, he felt like he was flying high in the sky.

(Don't forget to leave a vote! That would very much support me!)

Enough relaxing, he told himself before turning his body, putting his feet back down on the roof. As he was about to stand, his pants got caught on the cement, pulling a strand off.

"Got damn it.." he said, before pulling the strand out

As he was about to turn around though, he noticed something strange. He looked back where his pants got caught on, then kneeled down, looking closer.

Is that... Dried blood?

Putting his UV glasses on, he uses his UV flashlight to see if what he's suspecting is true. Turning his radio back on, he spoke.

"What happened before she left the roof?" He asked

"Well, nothing in particular, I can only assume she was having a better look of the area"

"How was her vitals while she was here?"

Muichiro pulls up the records of Shinobu's vitals, and saw that it was neautral at best. She was so relaxed.

The Nemesis of My Associate//Giyushino Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now