Chapter 2 : First day

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Bloom's Pov

I was sitting in my room watching something on my phone when there was a knock on my door I shouted come on in. It was my Dad who just wanted to tell me that there was breakfast.
"It tastes great like always Mom," I said with my mouth full of pancakes. Mom responded with a simple "thank you" and then she rolled her eyes.
My Dad then asked if I had finished packing my bags for the school year. "Yeah I finished packing last night" my Mom then purred up some orange juice for herself while she said. "You know that you don't have to live with the other students you can just stay here with us" Before I had the chance to answer her my Dad started talking. "It's going to be good for her and she is 16 now she is going to be just fine and we could use some alone time," he said the last part while he was looking deep into my Moms's eyes
"Thanks for that Dad and I don't need any siblings," I said while I was laughing.

All the students were standing to arrive I had just been up with my bags in my new room that I was sharing with someone else whom I had never met before but that was the exciting part of my new life or whatever you would call it.
I saw a boy with blonde hair he looked lost and he was pretty handsome too. I walked over to him.
"Wow you are so lost I'm impressed by your confidence in complete ignorance the issue is that you are over-committed. I mean you are sincerely running and now  that I'm here you can't possibly give me the satisfaction of turning around"
I said and looked at him.
"I don't need help..but thank you," he said and looked at me. I stopped and so did he and then I said. "I don't remember offering it. So presumptuous you must be a specialist" I said and looked into his eyes. "I am a specialist," he said and made a kind of weird facial expression. "Sorry, that is just something I never thought I would say" I made a little laugh. "It's an odd thing considering that you are standing in the courtyard of a college full of fairies and specialists" and without passing any moments he replied.
"I just never thought it would happen" I looked at him with a little question mark on my face and asked him. "And what do you mean by that" he looked at me. "Nothing sorry I mentioned it" and then I said "Don't worry about it" he then said. "Thanks and if you want your mind blown 3 months ago I didn't even know that Alfea existed. Wow, he is full of surprises I thought to myself. "Um if you are lost which I'm not saying you are and you need help which I'm not saying that I'm offering. This is the fairy hall the specialist hall is that way" I say and point in the direction of the specialist hall.
"Uhh, the fairy hall obviously," he says and I laugh a little and so does he, and then he says thanks and walks away.

I walked up into my suite to meet my roommates. I walked into the room where I had put my bags earlier a girl was sitting on the opposite bed. She was on the phone with someone so I just started unpacking some of my things and putting them away.
"Sorry about that it was my parents they wanted to make sure that I was okay here," she said I hadn't even realized that she wasn't talking with anyone anymore. "Ohh it's okay I get it over-protective parents," I said and laughed a little and so did she.
"My name is Aisha by the way," she said and I looked at her. "Bloom it's nice to meet you," I said and smiled at her. She seemed nice I could probably get to be friends with her. I walked out into the common area and met the two other girls who were staying in the room across from Aisha and me. One of them I already knew was Terra Harvey who had grown up here at Alfea too and the other one was a mind fairy whose name was Musa they both seemed nice and like they could be really good friends. I then noticed that there was a door to my right that was half open so I went over to see how the last person was. And that's when I saw her...Princess Stella yeah the princess Stella how I hadn't seen since I was
11 years old. I didn't realize that I had been staring for way too long before she started talking. "May I help you?" she asked me while she was holding up a dress in front of the mirror. "Yeah, are you changing" I asked even though I thought it was a stupid question and she did too I could tell by the short answer she gave me. "I am" I looked at her. "I thought that the orientation party was a casual thing," I said and she answered. "It is" I was getting kind of tired of her 2 word answers. "So a casual thing that you are changing for" I asked trying not to sound rude or anything. "People have seen me in this outfit already.. they expect something different" I made a little laugh and said. "People expect you to wear multiple outfits a day" she then answered me. "People expect me to care about how I look," she said and looked at me like I didn't care about how I look. Then she went over to her bed and picked up another dress and held that in front of the mirror and then she asked me. "Something else?" And looked at me. "No that was it sorry for taking up your time," I said and went into the common area again. I looked around for a few seconds and then I told Terra that I would go for a walk before we had to get ready for the party.

I was walking around in the halls of Alfea thinking about my childhood and my parents and how good it had been. I reached my Mom's office so I knocked on the door. "Come on in" she shouted from behind her desk. "Hey Mom," I said and walked into her office and sat down on the couch that was right next to her desk and she walked over and sat down beside me.
"How has the day been so far?" She asked me. "It's been good my roommates seem nice," I told her and she was just looking at me. "Anything else about your day" she asked me with a big smile and a little laugh. "No, I don't think so..why?" I said and looked at her with a huge question mark on my face.
"I saw you talking to a pretty handsome blonde boy earlier" Of course did she see me and the guy earlier?
"MOM.. it was nothing I was just helping him find his way to the specialist hall...and I don't even know his name," I said trying to to sound convincing even though I kind of hoped it would be the start of something. "Okay if you say so sweetie," she said and laughed and so did I. We heard Someone knocking on the door so my mom looked and me, and then she shouted "Come in" It was one of the students. I looked at her as I got up from the couch and walked over to the door and before I walked out I said. "Thanks for the talk Headmistress Dowling"
She just smiled at me and then I started walking back to my suite.

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