Smuggler's trail

Comincia dall'inizio

''Enrik! Enrik! Can you hear me? Enrik! What is going on over there?'' we heard a comm link near our position come online. ''Imperials! I presume you killed my men.''

''I did. You are Liana Kor, better known as 'Iron Liana'. Your smuggling operations are over. Your men are dead and you are wanted for numerous crimes. Your plans were never meant to succeed. Come to us like the good Twi'lek you are and we might show you mercy.'' I said to her which just made her angry and want to fight to her last breath. My intentions from the very beginning.

''Choke on your own blaster, fascist!'' she hissed in hatred and killed the comm link.

''Is it traceable?'' I asked the trooper who was examining the comm.

''No sir. The encriptions good. Might take us some days before we can trace them but then I suspect they'll just move to a new base.''

''Don't bother trooper. I'll just ask some friends to help me out.''

                   -Nar Shaddaa-

I walked through the streets of Nar Shadda, the largest moon of the Hutt planet Nal Hutta. Known by many names such as smuggler's moon or little Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa was a city that spanned across the entire moon. It was the crime capital of the galaxy and multitudes of smugglers, pirates, syndicates and more can be found here on Nar Shaddaa. Wearing my disguise I walked into a bar, ignoring the drug addicts on the ground and prostitutes trying to get a night's time with me.

''Hey, this bar is for adults. No kids allowed.'' the bar tender told me from his place, getting everyone's attention. The guards moved in to throw me out but when I revealed my uniform and rank, they stopped.

''I am colonel Salazar Covraii of the imperial army. Stand down or it will get messy.'' I said and the guards backed down in fear.

''Ya hear that? The same colonel who won Mimban and Samovar.'' I heard a pirate say to his fellow companion.

''What's a big shot like him doing here of all places?'' his companion replied.

''Urm... sorry sir. I didn't mean to offend you by presuming your age by your face and height.'' the bar tender apologized.

''No need to apologize. I am but 17 after all.'' I said, merely shrugging off the rough entrance. ''Do give me a pint of Akkadian wine if you have some.''

''Yes sir, right away sir.'' the bar tender then prepared the glass and I drank the wine eagerly. Akkadian culture valued it's wine and was a common drink for food and pleasure.

I saw the man I was looking for and walked to him. ''Saponza.'' I said and the old man got up from his alcohol afflicted sleep.

''Well well, if it isn't the squirt himself. Heard you won 2 wars last year. Must've been one hell of an achievement.'' Saponza said, starting a conversation.

''It is. I am in need of your assistance.''

''Really? Now how can I help an imperial colonel such as yourself?''

''Liana Kor.'' I said and Saponza grew a bit terrified. ''She stole valuable spice and weapons from the empire. I want to know her location.''

''You sure about this? She is as wild as a Rancor if she is upset.''

''Are you saying I am afraid of her? My reputation in Mimban far outweighs whatever she can manage.''

''No argument there. Tell you what, I don't know where she is or where her base is but I do know someone who does. Her names Beatta and lives in district 12. She'll know where Liana is.'' Saponza gave me the address of Beatta but before I got up to leave, he stopped me. ''Fair warning kid. I know you'll kill her after extracting the information. I know you long enough to guess correctly but... that damn slug has pretty powerful influence which not even someone of your status or reputation can get out of unscathed.''

Galactic Overlord ( A Star Wars self insert story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora