Chapter 13

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As Gu Yunzheng mentioned to Su Wei'an before, he and Director Qin of internal medicine opened a consultation clinic for Huntington's chorea. Provide more comprehensive diagnosis and treatment.

Because it is a newly opened outpatient clinic and a special needs outpatient clinic of the consultation center, the number of patients is not large, so Director Qin and Gu Yunzheng looked at each patient slowly.

Although there are not many patients, each has its own story. There is a patient who has just been diagnosed and was told that there is no good treatment for the disease. He seeks medical treatment everywhere in despair and panic, wondering whether he should let his children go to the hospital. When doing genetic testing, there are also patients who are already in the advanced stages of the disease. The family members come here to try it out with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

One of the aunts in her fifties has reached the point where she does not recognize people and has difficulty speaking. Her wife brought her over in a wheelchair: "I heard that what you can do here... pacemaker surgery, can you do it?" Make one for our old lady?"
Although it can be seen at a glance that the aunt's condition is already very serious, Director Qin and Gu Yunzheng carefully checked all her conditions, and then the two looked at each other. Director Qin solemnly said to the family: "The patient has appeared. She has clear symptoms of cognitive difficulties and cannot cooperate with the postoperative program control. I am afraid that the operation will not help her much, and the patient's condition is indeed a bit too serious."

The family members stood aside for a while, then asked in dialect: "Is it too late?"

Director Qin nodded with a heavy heart.

The family member sighed heavily, and said, "I've been thinking of saving money for her surgery, but I finally saved enough money, but there is no chance of surgery."

Hearing these words, everyone present felt a little uncomfortable, but the family members pretended to be free and easy and shouted at the patient in the wheelchair: "Old woman, your life is not good!"

Director Qin then wrote a treatment plan for the patient, but at this point in his illness, it was nothing more than some consolation that was better than nothing. After seeing the disease for so many years, the patient's family members are also very aware of this, but they still expressed their gratitude to the director respectfully.

After the director's diagnosis and treatment, Su Weian took the patient and family members outside the clinic, and explained the precautions to the family members again to ensure that he understood them all.

The uncle nodded again and again, bowed his head and said to the patient: "You see the doctor, he cares about you so much!"

The patient in the wheelchair could no longer respond to his words, but her arms were still moving involuntarily. Then, a line of saliva dripped from the corner of her mouth. The uncle hurriedly took out the handkerchief that was in his pocket at any time, bent over Clean it up for your own wife.

The sick aunt had no concept of what was happening in front of her eyes. She just couldn't stop her flailing hands and hit the uncle's body from time to time. It seemed that the strength was not too small, but the uncle didn't care at all.

When he got up to collect the handkerchief, the uncle said: "Don't look at her like this now, she was the most beautiful when she was young, if you see yourself like this now, I must blame me for not taking good care of her!"

Although the words were addressed to Su Wei'an, the uncle's eyes were always looking at Auntie, and he stretched out his hands to smooth out the broken hair on her forehead. Su Wei'an only noticed that Auntie was wearing comfortable cloth clothes and trousers at this time. , although not very good-looking, but overall clean and tidy, with smooth and supple hair. Taking care of patients with late-stage Huntington's chorea is not an easy task. People, there are very few patients who can be as decent as Auntie. It can be seen that the people around her must take good care of her, but the uncle still said such self-blaming words.

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