Chapter 10

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After this incident, no one asked Su Wei'an to do some chores for no reason, but as a by-product, no one would talk to her. She didn't know anything about Corey's gossip, and she was happy to be quiet.

The American Chorea Annual Conference is calling for papers, and they need to hurry up to complete the experiment to catch up with this call for papers. Even if they can’t get the opportunity to speak at the conference because they only have the results at the cellular level, it’s good to be able to participate in the poster presentation. After all, if only in China I am afraid that it is difficult to deny an experimental drug that is currently being operated by a big professor, the experiment is going smoothly, and it seems that it is only one step away from success. They must seize the opportunity of this international conference.
But at this time, an accident happened. The third batch of cells was polluted in a large area, and six of the eight plates were polluted. This is a very heavy loss, and more importantly, it shows that the experimental environment is likely to be affected. If there is pollution, the source of the pollution must be removed.

It is difficult to pinpoint the source of pollution, and the colleagues in the shared culture room refused to help. Su Wei'an and Gu Yunzheng spent a day cleaning the whole culture room together, regrouped, and cultured cells with materials. However, it was disappointing that the cultured On the fourth day, the cells were again contaminated with mold.

There are still two weeks before the deadline for the international conference, and they are still short of a batch of cells that have not even grown out. Su Weian is worried, but the place that should be cleaned in this room has been cleaned, why is there still pollution?

Gu Yunzheng comforted her on the phone: "Don't worry, I will come over and have a look with you after my operation is over."

But what difference can be seen after looking at it?

Su Wei'an sat on the chair dejectedly, opened the incubator and glanced unwillingly, at this moment, she inadvertently caught sight of the water in the bottom tray of the incubator, which is to keep the humidity of the incubator The one under the water doesn't move at ordinary times, and everyone doesn't pay much attention to it, but since the pollution has occurred now, if... the water is changed, will it be better?

Thoughts flashed through her mind, she immediately took out the tray to clean it, changed the water and put it back in the incubator. She originally wanted to restart a round of cell culture immediately. After all, time was running out, but Gu Yunzheng stopped her: "It's not sure yet whether to change the tray. After all, the water will definitely not be polluted again. After all, the workload of obtaining materials for cell culture is very large. If it is really polluted again, your workload will be very heavy. Let's observe again."

Gu Yunzheng asked her to put the two plates of cells that were lucky enough not to be contaminated back into the incubator, and use the two plates of cells as a reference to see if contamination would still occur.

Su Wei'an said with some concern: "But there are still two weeks..." The conference call for papers is about to close!

Gu Yunzheng said firmly: "For safety, don't panic, the experiment itself is the most important thing anyway."

Due to the time requirement of the meeting, Su Wei'an was already in a hurry. It is most likely to make mistakes in this kind of time. She needs to take a break, and then focus all her attention on the experiment itself. This is the best way.
Su Weian can naturally understand what he means, remembering that her cells have been polluted many times recently, and the deadline is approaching, her state of mind is no longer as peaceful as before. She looked at the determined Gu Yunzheng in front of her, and her heart gradually settled down. Gu Yunzheng is right, no matter what, the experiment itself must be completed first, as for the meeting or the article, they are just add-ons and cannot affect the experiment.

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