I stared at my phone screen. What did she know that I didn't?

My heart thumped hard in my chest and I stared at the bag sitting at the edge of the closet. I did like the clothes, but I didn't think going for milkshakes was the type of outing to wear them.

I texted Catriona back: it's not a date.

Maybe I should've added, "what did he tell you?" but decided against it. Cat knew things about her brother's dating habits, but this was probably not the time to revisit that. It was just milkshakes.

She responded immediately: it doesn't have to be. Wear the clothes for YOU.

I smiled. Catriona was right. I looked good in the clothes, but I didn't need to wear them for anyone but myself. Five minutes later, I met Fionn downstairs. His eyes lit up when he saw me and a smile spread across his face.

"You look great, Em," he commented as we walked outside.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." I pulled my jacket over my shoulders to block out the crisp evening air.

He laughed at this then walked over to a run-down pick up truck that idled outside of the shop. "Ready?"

"Um, yeah. Is this your truck?"

Fionn nodded. "Sometimes I like to just go for rides by myself and just experience the country. One of the perks of living in a small country town."

"I like that." I climbed up into the passenger seat and the truck rumbled to life. We took off down the road, passing businesses that were closing down for the day and others that were opening up for the night. Folks shouted out to us in greeting, waving as we sped away. The night air was cool but felt refreshing against my face.

"Can I ask you something?" I looked over at him from the passenger seat.


"Why do you invite me to have meals with you every day? I mean, don't get me wrong—I enjoy the company. But I wanted to make sure you don't feel obligated." I stared down at my hands as I waited for him to answer.

"I don't feel obligated," he replied. "Truth is, most folks who come to stay at the bookstore are couples. I just thought that you might want a...friend."

"I appreciate that." I covered his hand with mine on the center console. "It's been nice. Thank you."

Fionn chuckled. "You're welcome." He pulled the truck to a stop in a lot near the pier. Laughter and music echoed through the air as we walked along. Our hands swung next to each other, and we let our fingers touch only momentarily before pulling away.

"So why milkshakes?" I asked.

Fionn shrugged. "Thought you might enjoy it. Plus, I've been craving one myself lately."

The corners of my mouth turned upwards. "That's a great reason."

"And it's a very American thing, so I figured you might enjoy a taste of home."

I laughed, bumping his hip with mine. "There's the catch."

We came to a stop in front of a brightly colored storefront with tables and chairs that decorated the outside.

"Fionn, lad! Lovely to see you!" the man inside greeted him. "What can I get fer ya and yer lovely lass?"

"I'll go for the salted caramel pretzel this time," Fionn said.

My eyes scanned over the menu. So many options, so little time. I finally settled on something simple and sweet. "I'll take the chocolate raspberry, please."

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